[Harbingers] Midnight Rain

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3rd POV
"Y/n, are you feeling well today?" Columbina asks, seeing Y/n in the hallway.

"I'm doing a lot better after my rest and Dottore's... Treatment." Y/n shivers a bit. "Remind me never to ask for medical help or treatments from him ever again."

"That's good to hear. Do you have time at the moment?" Columbina asks.

"Yeah I have time. Why? Do you need anything from me?" Y/n says to Columbina.

"That's great! Come with me!" Columbina basically drags Y/n by her arm and into the Meeting Room where all the Fatui Harbingers, except for Pierro, were present. "I got Y/n~!"

"It's scary how you know exactly where to find her..." Childe chuckles nervously as Columbina sits next to Arlecchino.

"Uhhh... Is there anything you all need from me?" Y/n asks a bit confused and nervous.

"We would like to hear a story." Sandrone says to Y/n.

"... Say what now?" Y/n was expecting a lot from them but that was definitely not one of them.

"A story. We would like to hear one of your stories." La Signora says to Y/n.

"Okay...? What kind of story would you like to listen to?" Y/n asks.

"How about a sad story." Sandrone says.

"Oh! A Love Story too!" Columbina chirps in.

"A Tragic Love Story... Seems good enough." La Signora hums out.

"Seriously?" Scaramouche groans out.

"Don't we have a say in this?" Pantalone huffs out.

"It has been decided." Arlecchino glares at the guys. She turns to Y/n and nods. "Y/n, if you may."

"Right, of course." Y/n nods. "Let's see.... Okay..."


Long ago, there lived two very different people. One was a common Girl who lived amongst the people of Dawn and the other was a Knight, dedicated to his loyalty in the realm of Twilight. Every now and then, the people of Dawn and the people of Twilight hold the Eclipse Festival! This Festival happens once every season; Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

Each Festival, the Girl of Dawn would often be seen dancing on stage with passion, love, and hope. And each Festival, the Knight of Twilight would fall deeply for her, and she would be the same with him.

So one Eclipse Festival during Spring, the Knight has told the Girl how he felt about her. She reciprocated those feels for him in return. They were practically made for one another, but they couldn't be with each other for very long.

The thought ate the Girl of Dawn every time she looks at the twinkling Stars above her. So, she decided one day that she would climb up to the realm of Twilight to be with her Lover. However, she only realized that her Lover had another... The Princess of the Night.

When the Knight saw the Girl of Dawn in the realm of Twilight is when he realized he made a mistake. He tried to explain to the Girl but it was too late. The heavens above saw the Girl of Dawn in a realm where she didn't belong and casted her down into the realm of day where she will forever remain.


"Now bounded to her new homeland, she cries for her Lover every storm that passes through the night for she will be known as Midnight Rain." Y/n concluded her story.

"And...? What happened to the Knight?" Scaramouche asks as he and every else were invested into the story.

"The Knight, along side his comrades, fought the heavens above just to make his way down to the realm of Day to see his Lover once again. His desire to be with her is what made him pierce through the clouds and end up in the realm of day, like Sunshine after a storm." Y/n mumbles out. "But alas, he couldn't find his Lover as the heavens cursed him and the Girl. And now they will forever remain apart for he was sunshine, she was midnight rain."


"...!! Was that... No it couldn't be... I haven't seen my Lady in a long time.... Get a hold of yourself, Dainslef. She's long dead..."

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