[Sandrone] Break

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3rd POV
"Y/n, do you mind coming with me for a second?" Sandrone says to Y/n.

"Uh, sure. You sure you can handle them, Victor?" Y/n turns to the Fatui member she was talking to.

"I can handle it, don't worry about me." Victor says to Y/n.

"Okay, good luck." Y/n says to Victor before leaving with Sandrone. Following Sandrone to her laboratory where she tinkers with her 'toys', Y/n felt a sense of dread and fear. She doesn't know if it was coming from Sandrone or her laboratory.

"Please, do come in." Sandrone says as she gestures Y/n to come into her lab. Cautiously, Y/n steps into the room. Every bone in her in her body were telling her to run, but she couldn't because Sandrone has already locked the door of the lab.

"What- What do you need me to do, Lady Sandrone?" Y/n stutters out as her eyes frantically tries to find an exit somewhere.

"I need.... To test you." Sandrone says to Y/n. Suddenly, mechanical arms of ruin guards grab hold of Y/n. Before she could have time to react, she was lifted up high as the ruin guards bound her body tight.

"!?" Y/n looks at Sandrone in horror.

"I heard from Arlecchino about your incident with the Abyss and how you manage to get back to Snezhnaya all bloodied and wounded and was still standing. I need to test you." Sandrone says to Y/n. With a push of a button, the arms of the ruin guards tighten as Y/n let's out a whimper. "Show me your resiliency! You were given a Vision that day, correct? You have been blessed by the Tsaritsa herself. Now show me if you're truly worthy of having a Vision!"

"Argh....! Ugh...!" Y/n groans out as the binds around her tightens more and more. "I can't die... I can't die... I can't die...!" She chanted under her shaky breath. The Vision she kept in her pocket starts to glow as the ruin guards' arms started to be covered in frost and ice.

"What...?" Sandrone looks at the ice forming on the ruin guards as a smile appears on her face. "Let's see how long it will take until I break you....!" With a push of a button, the slow and agonizing pain Y/n felt suddenly increased tenfold. The arms around her suddenly tighten to the point she felt like her bones are about to break.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Y/n let's out a scream. And then, she blanked out. Icy blade appears in her hands as she sliced up the ruin guards with ease. Sandrone saw what has happened and let's out a laugh.

"Ahahahaha! That's it, Y/n! Break your limits and show your true potential!" Sandrone sends out more ruin guards and are tasked to attack Y/n. In her blanked out icy state, Y/n swiftly slices through each ruin guard in her path. "Her swift movements are as beautiful as skating on ice..." Sandrone mumbles out as Y/n finished off the last ruin guard. The adrenaline in her soon died down as she collapse on the floor; panting heavily and exhausted. The icy blades in her hands have long been shattered after her blanked out state was over.

"Ugh... Did... Did I... Do all this?" Y/n groans lightly as she sluggishly glances at the broken down ruin guards.

"Yes, yes you did. You did more than expected." Sandrone says as she kneels down to Y/n's level. "You did well, Y/n." Sandrone gives Y/n a soft head pat before Y/n passes out in Sandrone's lap. "You did well. And now...."

"It's Childe's turn to test you."

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