[Childe] Admiration

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3rd POV
"So , he just bothers you all the time as well?" Capitano mutters out.

"You know him. He loves to push his limit." Y/n hums out. "I think he has mentioned you before, though..."

"Did he now?" Capitano glances at Y/n with curiosity.

"More than I can keep track of. You know, he really admires you, Lord Capitano." Y/n says to Capitano.

"I see..." Capitano hums with a knowing nod.

"He would always say things like 'I would love to go blade to blade with Capitano', 'I would love to see how truly powerful he really is'. He just kinda goes on and on about it for a while until he mentions his family and how he would burn the world down for them in a heartbeat." Y/n mumbles out. "His determination to get stronger just to protect his loved ones is very admirable, I must admit."

"He seems to admire you as well, Y/n." Capitano says to Y/n. This caught the girl off guard.

"He- ehem... He does?" Y/n stutters out.

"He never seems to shut his mouth whenever he gets the chance to report his progress. Almost majority of his Reports is about a Mysterious Storyteller from Liyue Harbor. It was only a slip of his tongue when we heard your name for the first time. After he realized he slipped your name, that's the last time he has ever talked so much about you. Every now and then he would mention you and your stories you tell in Liyue Harbor. Columbina mentioned to us the look he would give when he would talk about you. He-"

"BA BA BA BA BA! Don't continue, please. I think I heard enough." Y/n stutters out, shaking her hands in front of her flushed face.

"Ha ha ha! That's the same look Childe gave us when he realized he slipped your name for the first time." Capitano laughs.

"What's this I hear? Capitano laughing? That's something I never thought I'd hear in my lifetime." Capitano and Y/n glances over their shoulder to see the familiar ginger, grinning from ear to ear.

"There you are, Tartaglia. Me and Y/n over here we're just talking about you." Capitano says to Childe; turning to face his fellow Harbinger.

"How much did you hear?" Y/n turns to face Childe with an eyebrow raised.

"Just enough to bring tears to my eyes!" Childe says with a smile. "I'm just happy to hear from two of my favorites here talk about me!"

"Hmm..." Y/n didn't think Childe is telling the full truth.

"Lord Capitano, Lord Alrecchino needs to talk to you for a moment." A Fatui member says to Capitano.

"Excuse me for a while." Capitano says before leaving Y/n and Childe alone.

"... Half truth."

"What?" Childe looks at Y/n with confusion.

"You told us half of the truth." Y/n says. "You didn't want Capitano to think you're soft, so you told half the truth, didn't you?"

"Sharp as ever, I see!" Childe chuckles out; a bit nervously. "But, um... Since it's just you and me here, I might as well tell you the full truth... I was telling the truth about how I'm happy to hear you and Capitano talk about me, but I'm also happy that it's the two people I admire were talking about me." A sad smile appears on his face. "I know I may be a bit... Much to handle, but my intentions are as true as the snow in Snezhnaya. I want to be stronger... I want to protect the people I care about and admire! That's why I keep pushing myself to the very limit. That's why-!"

"I heard enough." Y/n silence Childe as she place her hand on his shoulder. "Your determination is truly admirable, Master Childe. Don't lose that determination." She says with a reassuring smile as he smiles back at her.

"I won't. Thank you... Comrade."

No. 0 Of The Fatui Harbingers [Oneshots & Scenarios]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin