[Y/n] Thoughts

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About La Signora...
"Ah, Lady Signora, the Scorching Butterfly of the Fatui. She is beautiful as she is tragic. Her story reminds me of my own in a way. At least that's one thing we can relate to; other than that, there's nothing else to say. I'd also highly recommend to not get on her bad side. Her embers can cause some serious damage when angered."

About Childe...
"Childe's... Something else, that's for sure. He's definitely a people person just by our first meeting back in Liyue. I won't forget how he followed me around like a lost puppy after telling him about Liyue and it's History. But I must admit, his new Form - Foul Legacy - was definitely not something to take lightly. Well, at least I can trust him out of everyone in the Fatui."

About Scaramouche...
"Scaramouche... If I'm going to be honest, I can't bring myself to not be a mother for him. Abandoned by his own creator, the Archon of Inazuma... He was meant for something great, but it was ultimately taken away from him. I hope he'll have a better future than his past."

About Il Dottore...
"Do you mean the Original or his clones? Because it's rather difficult to deal with all of them. There's one with major anger issues, one with selfish desires, one with a softer side, and one with a personality of a comedian! Honestly, he's unpredictable each time I encounter him. I don't know if I'd ever get used to it. I'd be more scared if I was!"

About Il Capitano...
"The Captain is definitely stronger among the other Fatui when it comes to combat. He usually picks me to use for practice and it's rather.... Terrifying to go up against him since he's The Captain. He may be tough but he's given me some advice on my combat and how to improve it. There's a reason why he's The Captain, and his powerful attack and combat is definitely not something to take lightly."

About Arlecchino...
"Lord Arlecchino. Let's just say... Me and her have a love-hate relationship. She acts tough and harsh on the surface, but her softer side comes out when something seems off. At least she has a kind enough heart to take care of the orphans of Snezhnaya, even if she's using them as spies in the end. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing, one could say."

About Pantalone...
"Pantalone is interesting. He's not just a business man and a banker, he's more into fair trade than anything. He supplies the Fatui's funds and resources, making him the richest man in the Fatui. He may have a gentle look but it's unsettling. This man has a lot of connections, I'm not sure if it's all around Teyvat or limited places, but he's not one to mess with. The moment you cross him and you'll most likely have your head on a stick outside. And all with that eerie smile too."

About Columbina...
"Ah yes, the resident Fallen Angel. As heavenly as she looks, she's not one to be messed with. She's Number 3 for a reason and I'd rather not want to find out how she got her ranking. It's scary to be honest. A fragile looking girl with a heavenly aura is one of the strongest Fatui Harbingers."

About Sandrone...
"Lady Sandrone. I usually call her the Puppet Master. She may look weak but she has a sadistic side to her. She loves tinkering with her... Toys in her Laboratory. And the fact she made the Adventurer's Guild's Katheryne... I feel like there are eyes everywhere..."

About Pulcinella...
"Mr. Pulcinella? Well, there's not much to say about him. He took care of Childe's family while Childe's away from Snezhnaya, and he took care of me to some degree. But I can't help shake the feeling that Mr. Pulcinella has ultraior motive..."

About Pierro...
"... He's gotten older since the last time we've seen each other. I wonder if he still remembers Dain...."

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