[Dottore] Only Human

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Warning: Close Proximity Scene!

3rd POV
"Stop playing with your food, Dottore." Innamorati's voice cuts through the silence that surrounds the Doctor as he watches from a distance the chaos he has ensued upon Sumeru. Innamorati can see the Traveler and his floating companion Paimon running for their lives from the mind controled citizens.

"What's a hunt without a good chase?" Dottore says back to her. His voice is raspy and deep, she thought. She takes note he's the Selfish Clone the other Clones have told her about.

"You says this like you're above everyone else." Innamorati comments, looking at him at the corner of her eye.

"That is because I am, in fact." Dottore says with a deep chuckle. She can just barely see the sharp canine teeth as he grins with dark pleasure in seeing the chaos below and in the streets. "That poor Traveler." His voice held fake pity. "They shouldn't have meddled in divine matters."

"They're only human." Innamorati adds. She feels pity towards the Traveler, even if she hates their sister.

"I really don't care whether or not they're human." Dottore sighs, feeling bored of watching. "Oh look, they got away. Such a shame the show's over."

"Stop acting like a god watching the people suffer for your own pleasure and entertainment." Innamorati scoffs at Dottore's behavior.

"You say that like you aren't one yourself, Y/n." A smirk grew on Dottore's lips as he slowly turns his head towards her. Innamorati's breath hitches.

"What do you mean?" Innamorati questions.

"Don't pretend I haven't gotten word about your origins from the Damslette." There's a shift in power all of a sudden. Innamorati couldn't help but tense up. "What's a being from another world doing in Teyvat in the first place anyway? Was your life back at your home too boring for you to bare any longer for you to flee all the way here?"

"..." Innamorati lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "You're playing with fire now." Her voice shifts to when she spoke to Columbina back at Snezhnaya.

"It's funny actually," Dottore starts again. "You don't look like someone who has unworldly power."

"Is that a threat I hear?"

"I don't know; do you feel threatened?"


"Then it's a promise." They were practically in a close proximity now. Their breaths mixing together. Their gaze towards each other is as sharp a blade of a freshly sharpened sword.

"Be very careful, Dottore." It was not a warning, it was a threat. "You're only human in my eyes."

"And I know where I stand." Dottore counters back. "And that is where no Archon or Divine can ever reach."

"Then you shall burn in the stars you stand upon." She hissed as she turns and walks away. "The impact of which you fall will be far greater than you will ever think."

Dottore's eyes never left Innamorati's figure as she vanish into the shadows of the room. Even if he sees her as weak, he can never shake the paranoia and dread of the future she has warned him about.

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