[Dottore] Hourglass

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Warning: Mild Spicy Scene ^-^;

3rd POV
"Hmm... She should be in her room by this time around. I still have a few... Questions about her and the 'Hourglass Oracle' she has told us about." Dottore mutters under his breath as he reaches the girl's room. Standing in front of her doors, he gives it a few firm knocks as he waits. "Strange, she usually answers after a few seconds." He knocks on her doors once again before entering.

Her room is a simple place. A bed in the corner with a few bookshelves tucked into the pale blue walls. A table, a few chairs, a mist flower in a vase, and a fireplace to keep her warm. The light from the fireplace is the only think that is lighting the room with it's dim light. Slowly entering the room, he shuts the door behind him.

"She's not here? Shame." Dottore sighs in disappointment. "Hmm? What's this?" Dottore approach the bedside table and picks up something that resembles an hourglass. "An artifact?"

"Someone's... In my room?"

As Dottore studies the artifact in his hand, unbeknownst to him are dark blue strings loosely climb up to him. He only notices it as one of the strings loosely wrap around his wrist. Dottore turns around, only for the strings to tighten up as he is now pinned to the bed, knocking his mask off his face in the process.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my room!?" The looming figure above him radiates power and dominance, only for it to fade away when seeing their face.

"Glad to see you too, little assistant." Dottore says with a sly smile on his face.

"Master Dottore... What a surprise to see you here in my chambers." Y/n huffs out as she ease off the doctor. The strings attached to Dottore slowly loosen up and retrieve back to Y/n.

"Interesting." Dottore mutters as he sits up from the bed. "So those strings are from your fingertips. You never fail to surprise me!"

"Ugh..." Y/n rolls her eyes at the doctor as she snatches away her artifact. Turning her back to Dottore, she inspects the hourglass in her hand.

"If you're wondering if I did anything to your precious artifact, I didn't do anything to it. I was merely observing it." Dottore says to Y/n. "If I'm not mistaken... That artifact it the Concert's Final Hour, correct?"

"...?" Y/n glances over her shoulder to look back at Dottore. His red eyes glowing ever so slightly in the dim light of the fireplace.

"It's a part of the complete artifact set called the Wanderer's Troupe, correct?" A smirk grew on his lips as Y/n gave her full attention to the doctor.

"So you do know what this artifact is." Y/n mumbles out as Dottore let's out a chuckle.

"I am a scholar of Sumeru. This is nothing but basic knowledge for me." Dottore says as he rose from the bed, grabbing his mask in the process. "If this is how powerful you are with one of those artifacts, imagine how powerful you are with the complete set... Oh and by the way, Pierro told me and Columbina, and only us two, about who you truly are... Oracle." And with that, Dottore leaves the girl's chambers.

"Note to self: lock the door before leaving." Y/n groans out. "What did I sign myself into?"

The following day, Y/n retreats back into her room only to be met with the Wanderer's String-Kettle, Conductor's Top Hat, and Bard's Arrow Feather. Rushing over to the artifacts on her table, she felt a presence behind her.

"... I'm guessing this is your work, Master Dottore?" Y/n turns around to face the masked man.

"Indeed it is, little assistant." Dottore hums out with a smile.

"... Alright then. What do you wish for me to see?" Y/n asks.

"Hmph, if wouldn't know any better, I would've guessed you were a mind-reader of some sorts." Dottore mutters as he takes a seat in one of Y/n's chairs. "But your hypothesis is correct. I am here for a bit of... Knowledge."

"Well? I'm waiting." Y/n says as she leans against the table.

"Sumeru... What's my future in that nation?" Dottore says to Y/n.

"Alright, let me see." Y/n mumbles as she gathers all the artifacts in her possession. The artifacts circle around her as her eyes glow bright. Flashes of the future reveals itself to the girl before it all fades away. "Fire... I see... Fire... I see... You... Each version of you are slowly being deleted from their existence... I see... The God of Wisdom.... That is all I will reveal to you, Master."

"Thank you, little assistant. That is all I wish to know."

No. 0 Of The Fatui Harbingers [Oneshots & Scenarios]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ