[Pierro] Oath

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3rd POV
"You've called me?" Y/n peaks through Pierro's office. The sudden call from Pierro got everyone nervous as soon as word got out. Even Y/n got a little nervous when hearing Pierro's sudden call for her, especially so late at night.

"Ah, Y/n. Please, join me." Pierro gestures Y/n to join him on the balcony. Closing the door behind her, Y/n made her way to the balcony and stood next to Pierro. There was a minute of solid silence before Pierro spoke up. "It's been a while since we've last spoken to one another alone. How long has it been?"

"About 500 years." Y/n mumbles, letting out a sigh in the process. She then looks over at Pierro, finally able to take in his features carefully. "You've grown older since the last time we saw each other." Pierro let's out a chuckle at her comment.

"And you still look at beautiful as the day I lost you." Pierro says as he turns to look at Y/n. A ghostly smile on his lips. "The curse affects us in different ways. I'm only thankful enough to have, at the very least, grown a bit."

"And I envy you for it." Y/n sighs. "By the way, how should I refer to you from now on? Should I stick with Pierro or your old name?"

"For the time being, refer to me as 'Pierro' or 'Jester'." Pierro answers as Y/n nods.

"Pierro it is." Silence falls upon them once again, not knowing how to continue the conversation. Pierro spoke up again.

"Do you wish to dance with me?"

"... What?" Y/n looks at him in confusion.

"Do you wish to dance with me, My Lady Oracle?" Pierro extends his hand towards Y/n for her to take. A gentle smile on his lips as his gaze turns soft. For a moment, Y/n caught a glimpse of the old Pierro she once knew back at Khaenri'ah.

Taking his hand, they step back into his office. Hand in hand, they sway gently and gracefully. Only the sound of clicking heels were heard in the room.

"There's also something I wish to tell you." Pierro whispers. Y/n tilts her head lightly, signaling him to continue. "I wish to tell you that I'm sorry for only now being able to talk to you. I didn't want to cause any suspensions among the rest of the Harbingers. But now that you're one of us, I can talk to you freely and no one would be the wiser."

"I understand, Pierro." Y/n says with a soft nod of her head.

"And I also wanted to say sorry to you." Pierro adds. Y/n looks at him in surprise and confusion as she continues to listen to him. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to reach to you in time during that disaster back at Khaenri'ah. I promised that I would protect you from any harm but I failed to do so that day.

"Oh Pierro..." Y/n gently caress his cheek and smiles. "You did your best to protect me and the rest of the citizens of Khaenri'ah. I was in a place where it would be impossible for anyone to reach. Don't be too hard on yourself for it."

"Even so, My Lady Oracle..." Pierro sighs. "My Lady, I wish to protect you from any dangers from now on now that you're here. I do not want any harm to come to you."


"For the past 500 years, I thought I lost you forever." Pierro brought her close, holding her in a protective embrace. His hands tremble slightly as he held her. Y/n was taken aback by his gesture. "But now that you're here, I will do what Dainslief could not. I will keep you like an oath. My loyalty and my heart belongs to you." There was a sense of longing in his words.

"Oh Pierro..." Y/n whispers. For the first time in centuries, she feels loved again. "You were always so loyal to me. I cannot thank you enough for all the things you have done for me. And I promise to do the same. You will be my new oath."

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