[Y/n] "I Love You"

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3rd POV
"I thought I'd see you here."

"Fufufu... Miss me already, Dain?" Y/n chuckles softly.

"Enjoying the sunset, my Lady?" Dainslef says with a soft smile.

"I always do." Y/n hums softly as she turns back to the setting sun.

"Any predictions?" Dainslef asks.

"Not yet." Y/n shakes her head softly. "What's your reason as to why you're here?"

"Can't I see my favorite person in all of Teyvat?" Dainslef chuckles out, taking Y/n in a warm and loving embrace as she lays her head on his chest. "I can't wait for what our future holds."

"Me too..." Y/n sighs in content. She's happy with her current life. She loves her nation, she loves her job as the Oracle, she loves being with her Lover. "I just hope this moment lasts forever..."

Sadly, it didn't.

"Dain, we need to talk..." Y/n mumbles out to her Lover.

"What is it, my Lady? Why do distraught?" Dainslef's soft words pierced Y/n's heart even more.

"I-I had a prediction..." Y/n stutters out. She can't bare to look at Dain and his starry blue eyes. "I-I saw... I saw you were with... Another. Eyes of amber... Hair as beautiful as gold.... She looked like an angel... You were with her... You... Left me...." Tears pour out of her eyes as she looks up at Dain. A look of utter disbelief painted on his face as he embrace his Lover in his arms.

"Shh... Shh... It's okay... It's okay..." Dain whispers to her as he held her tight. "I'm never going to leave you, my Lady. I'm sure that prediction is nothing of importance."

"Dain... Please promise me... Promise me you'll never leave me."

"I promise."

That promise has long been broken...

"Dain... Wh-Who is this...?" Y/n stutters. Her prediction... Came true. "Why are you with her?"

"My Lady...! I-I can explain...!" Dainslef stutters out as he tries to explain to Y/n what's happening. But his words were nothing but ringing in Y/n's ears as she frantically looks between the girl and her former Lover. The flower crown on top of the blonde girl's head... Her favorite flowers...

"Y/n I-!" Slap!

"... Don't you ever come near me again!" And that was last time they spoke to each other.


"Everyone! Hurry and evacuate Khaenri'ah!" Dainslef shouts as he and the other guards try their best to assist all the people of Khaenri'ah.


"Halfdan! Are you okay? Where's Lumine?" Dainslef stumbles as he approached his comrade.

"Lumine...? You're more worried about her than Oracle Y/n!?" Halfdan yells at Dainslef. "Do you even know where she is!?"

"Y/n...?" Panic rose in Dainslef. How could he forget? The one who he cares about the most is missing. "I... I have to find her-!"

"Halfdan...!" Dainslef and Halfdan's attention turns to the ever familiar voice of Y/n. She was trapped... She was out of Dainslef's reach. There was nothing they could do to help her. Y/n and Dainslef look at each other for the last time.

"... I love you."

"Y/n...? Are you alright?" Columbina stops her soft lullaby and turns to the girl who looks down at the hourglass in her hand. "Why are you crying?"

"... Love is so annoying."

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