part 14 (Ghidorah's P.O.V)

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Man, Godzilla didn't look happy at all. I knew he certainly wasn't really surprised to see us again, but we didn't care. Godzilla was no match for us. He was already weak from those puny bugs. Nobody could ever fail against a Hokmuto. At least, nobody smart couldn't. Grinning ever so faintly as we spread our wings, the other kaiju's smart enough to join behind us instead of him. Rodan roared weakly (To us, but intimately at Godzilla) as the fire from his wings were slowly dying out. The storm that we had caused had certainly given us a dramatic background, making us look more intriguing. Godzilla snarled as his Dorsel spikes slowly began to glow bright blue. Behind him, the storm clouds were replaced by a bright shine of light. Mothra. 


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"M... Mothra-? I thought she was... Dead!" Ni growled, clearly shocked. 

"I did, too! But it's always good to see new friends!" Keven (San) said, a smile on his face. Ichi snarled and glamped his jaws on his horn, making Kevin roar angrily. 

"Ow! Ichi...! what was that for?!" Kevin whimpered; Ichi rolled his eyes. Rodan then, took the first move, launching himself off the ground and not holding back his attack against Mothra. Jaws wide, and claws spread, he landed on Mothra, pinning her to the ground. As Godzilla was trying to stop Rodan, Ghidorah then took the time to spring into action. Ghidorah launched himself into Godzilla, throats turning a golden color, ready to blast Godzilla. While Rodan and Mothra fought for each other's kings, Ghidorah's three heads closed their jaws on Godzilla's shoulders. The kaiju's behind Ghidorah weren't so sure who to join, or who to attack. The storm that Ghidorah had made everything go black, but little did any of the kaiju's, except for the Queen Muto, did they know, that another kaiju was just behind the shadows of Godzilla.

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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