Part 7 (femuto POV)

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I ran toward my new evil trader and slashed him with my 8 legs. Using 6 to scrape him and I used the other 2 for balance. As I scraped and slashed I watched Godzilla using his arms to stop mine scratching him, then I heard a creoo far far away, I stopped fighting Godzilla and ran for the source of noise, it was on another island instead of Tokyo japan. I plunged my claws into the deep water and saw a boat with a bomb on it. I knew it was a nuke. I splashed my 8 legs into he water and walked over to he boat. Then I noticed it was the same person that I saw in the alleyway, on the rubble that I thought killed hok. I raised my biggest claw and put it over the boat, ready to sink it in the easiest way possible. Then the creoo came again and I grabbed the bomb with my beak and pulled until it came unhinged from the boats grasp and continued my journey to the new muto. As I splashed in the water waiting to get to China I watched all the tiny fish like he great white shark trying to nibble on my claws. I looked down and shook my claw. Then I was finally in China, raging over the city, and smashing every little building there was when,


Godzilla came out of the water and grabbed my back legs and pulled me into the deep water trying to drown me. Then when we reached the bottom of the ocean I finally let myself



Is FEMUTO dead??!! Did she join her lover?! Stay tuned and find out!

:D :) ;)

Godzilla X MutoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon