Part 11 (godzilla pov)

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Godzilla's POV

I grabbed my hand onto the muto's cold flesh wing as the FEMUTO glanced down at me. I pushed my arm on top of the muto's dead body. As I was trying to get up surprisingly FEMUTO didn't try to knock me down. I got up to my feet and started to charge my breath. She came charging at me just and just as she shoved me down, my breath skinned her head and into the cool sky. I was still shooting my deadly laser as she crashed me onto the ground. She stood on top of me saying that my life was over and she would take my spot over the kaiju kingdom. I scowled and slapped her side with my tail so hard it sent her hurling off of my body. I slowly got up to my feet and slashed my claws at the muto as she was trying to get up. She roared in pain as I shoved her to the ground.

"Stay down."

I mutter at the muto.

She rolls her head at mine and growls in a muto-ey way.

"I'll avenge Hok's death... and I'll KILL you..."

The defeated muto rose to her legs, still wobbling around, I narrowed my eyes and snorted at her to stop her horrible rampage across the city.

The wanders away deep into the darkness, it seemed as she was being consumed into total nothingness. I scoffed before trailing off to the ocean beside the destroyed city.



I glanced over my shoulder to see Godzilla had trailed off to the ocean, just where I thought he would go. I scoffed as I glanced at my dead mate.

"Your worthless.... I needed you and you didn't help..."

I muttered at the dead body, I knew he couldn't hear me but at least I let out what I really thought of him.

I finally felt a pain in my left back leg.

It was my main leg so I stumbled onto a smashed up building. I clung on with my two main front claws as I used my other 4 to hold me. I slashed at the building angrily as I had visions of Godzilla beating up hok again and again. I let myself slide down the building and onto the ground. A loud thunderous rumble erupted from under me. I listened quietly to hear silence, coming from the city. I thought every human was dead by now... unless they managed to stay somewhere safe. Like underground or in the water or something like that. I sighed as I glanced down at my leg.
Wounded from the beam coming from that darn kaijus mouth. I heard deep tsunami's erupting from the ocean. I knew it was godzilla leaving for the water. But for some strange reason- I felt a strong connection between us...


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