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I turned around letting out a long creoo as I did. There he was, standing right in front of me, a big kaiju with a long tail and spikes going up his back. After the identification I knew who it was. GODZILLA.

I spread my wings and flew right for his face.
He opened his jaw just to get my face plunged into his jaw and smashed against a tall building. I screamed as in for help when I heard a loonngg cREOoo far away. I beated my wings againsed he air flying high above Godzilla. He wasn't happy- then he blasted his fire breath into the air, right where I was


I dodged centimetres away from the ray, turning my body sideways as I dodged. I flew right into China town and trailing a long cloud of dust as I flew through. I could see tiny figures being pushed off of the ground and into the air under me. I finally landed on a building and let my wings drool under me. I watched Godzilla's figure in the distance coming for me. Glowing once more. I beated my wings again into the air, hovering above the building as the ray became closer and closer. Then at the right time I dodged and flew into the air, flying above the beam flying strait toward him. Then when I was finally close to him I stopped and beated my wings In front of him and caused a huge dust storm to occur and push Godzilla farther back and slam him into a building behind him. The smash gave me time to fight, or flight, I divided to slash my long hooked arms onto his skin hearing the giant kaiju screech as I slashed him again and again and again. Then he finally fell to he ground, motionless... then I set off to find my new lover, I would travel from city to city to find her. And that's how I went off onto my new


P.S, sorry I didn't post this earlier, I hate not posting it. ;) stay tuned!!

Godzilla X MutoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora