Part 13. (Godzilla's POV.)

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(Godzilla's POV.)

I glanced up at Ghidorah and Roared furiously. Now that the muto's were "Done for." I had to deal with the three headed monster.

Ghidorah's wings beated on the damp, cool, night air. Then, a low rumble erupted from beneath Ghidorah as he landed,

Godzilla charged, full of fury and hate toward the alien hydra, but Ghidorah was too quick! Ghidorah let out a loud, angry roar at Godzilla right after blasting a long, stream of golden fire. Godzilla let out a long, roar of anger and pain as the streak hit godzilla right in the chest. As Godzilla fell to the ground with a long rumble in the ground, Ghidorah took their chance, and stormed toward the fallen kaiju. Ghidorah snarled angrily at godzilla as Ghidorah spread his wings out as far as they could. One by one, the three heads rose into the air, releasing Ghidorah's famous alpha roar. Godzilla, however, wasn't done with Ghidorah just yet. Godzilla slowly rose up to his feet, just in time to wrap his claws around Ghidorah's right neck. The head screeched in pain as Godzilla sunk his claws into its neck. The other two heads, as soon as they noticed Godzilla wasn't finished, Snarled angrily, then, as if commanded to, opened their jaws, and then suk their teeth into Godzilla. Godzilla roared in anger and pain as he had to release the head he grasped. As the alien slowly began to weaken godzilla, the aliens alpha roar had awakened the other kaijus. One by one, the kaijus appeared behind Ghidorah, against godzilla. 

Was godzilla really done for? Stay tuned! 

(A.N) Hey guys! sorry for my disappearance, and how short this chapter was. :( I'm trying to get some spare time for my writing, and I've just been so busy with my homework and assignments this semester! I hope you all a very good rest of your morning\afternoon


                                                                                                                   -Ranboo <3

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