Part 9 (Femuto POV)

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I ran as fast as my eight arms could take me.
I heard Hokmuto behind me beating his wings on the thin air. I ran and skidded a turn only to be grabbed by a massive jaw from another building behind me. I was yanked back and
I called for hok to set me free. He came just as I thought he would. He slashed at the kaiju, I knew it was godzilla since he was the only kaiju that DARED hurt me and MY king. He wasn't even a king, hok would take over his spot easily. But the ferocious bite of Godzilla's jaws on my sis Made me scream with pain. Hok dive bombed from the sky and onto Godzilla's back. Godzilla let go of me to let out a SCREONK of pain. I turned around and charged straight at Godzilla's chest. I slashed it with my two front claws as my other 6 legs held me on the ground. He fell to the ground, I watched happily to see the giant kaiju dying, suffering, losing all of his hope. I thought that the fight was over, but this was just the beginning. I glanced over at hok, he was resting his weary wings on a building nearby. I limped over to my babies. They weren't glowing. I glanced down with worry and saw that the nuke was gone. I heard a faint snap in the alleyway and I twist my head to see a tiny person cowering in fear to see my horrifying appearance of destroying half of Japan. I leaned my head down at the tiny human. I saw a faint glowing of blue coming from behind me. I turned around to see a blue beam heading straight for my face.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted this earlier but a wanted to write a special thanks to  WREN PILGRIM. Thank you  so much for all the lovely comments you wrote to me. I shall continue my book for you, :)

To be continued...

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