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Chapter Twenty-Five - One More Reason To Hate Hospitals


Peggy paced behind the window overseeing the operating theatre, where Nick Fury lay, surrounded by doctors and nurses. Maria Hill stood to the side, making phone calls.

The door opened suddenly. Peggy turned her head just enough to see a redhead enter the room before turning back to the dire scene in front of her.

"Is he going to make it?" Nat asked.

"I don't know."

"Tell me about the shooter."

"He was fast, and strong. Really strong. He had some sort of metal appendage." Nat's demeanor completely shifted, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw her friend's face go frighteningly blank. "Ballistics?" She continued. Hill finished her phone call and walked over to them, joining in the conversation. "Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable-"

"-Soviet-made." Nat finished. "Yeah." Hill looked at Natasha, confused. She was prevented from asking further questions when a commotion started in the operating room.

"He's in V-tach"

"Crash cart coming in."

The trio watched as the medical staff tried to keep Fury alive, but to no avail. "Don't do this to me, Nick." Natasha muttered under her breath, her worry for her boss, friend and surrogate father figure increasing by the minute. Eventually, the surgeons had no choice but to give up, unable to revive him.

"Time of death, 1:03 am."

Hill, Nat and Peggy turned to leave, when Jasper Sitwell came up to them, looking anxious. "Ma'am, we have a problem."


"What do you mean he's missing ?! I thought you had constant surveilance on him!" Peggy hissed.

Sitwell had informed them of the mysterious disappearance of Steve Rogers.

"We do- did." He amended his statement.

"Let me get this right. Somehow, in the span of an hour, even with security cameras and guards both in and outside his room, the HYDRA Stomper defrosted, and Steve Rogers, who has shown no signs of consciousness or movement since discovery just walked out ? I don't believe this. Someone must have taken him. Was there any sign of a struggle or fight?" Peggy questioned, her mind running at top speed for any kind of clue, anything she might have been missing.


The timeframe was too convienent to be a coincidence. First Fury's death, now Steve's abduction. Something, or someone, was planning this, and had been for a while. This sort of planning took years. If Fury's statement of SHIELD being compromised held any doubt then, it was gone now, replaced only with certainty and suspicion.

Natasha walked out of the room, Hill having taken Fury's body for burial. Peggy followed her closely, calling her name. The assasin spun around suddenly, narrowing her eyes at Peggy. "Why was Fury in your apartment?"

Peggy sighed. "I don't know."

"Cap, they want you back at SHIELD." Rumlow called.

"Alright, just give me a minute."

"They want you now." Rumlow persisted. Something about his tone felt strange, his instistence suspicious. "Yes. I'll be there soon." The brunette turned back to Natasha, who regarded Rumlow with wariness as well, before looking back at Peggy. "I though you'd be a better liar."

Peggy watched her leave, Fury's warning ringing in her head. She heard the communications device in Rumlow's ear giving orders.

"STRIKE Team, escort Captain Carter back to SHIELD headquarters for questioning."

Peggy couldn't walk into a compromised SHIELD with valuable evidence. She looked around for a suitable hiding place. Ordinarily, she would have given it to Natasha, but until she could comfirm her friend's loyalties, Peggy was on her own. A vending machine was being loaded, the employee stepping around the corner for more products. It would have to do.

Once the flashdrive was as secure as it could be, Peggy walked over to the STRIKE Team, who were waiting for her, praying that someone didn't suddenly develop an appetite for strawberry gum.

A redhead saw her leave, and sauntered over to the vending machine. Getting out her purse, she bought about 12 packets of gum before striking lucky. She made herself comfortable and waited for the brunette to come back.

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