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Chapter Eleven: Thunderbolt and Lightning, Very, Very Frightening...


Not long after his surrender, the Quinjet landed near by, allowing Peggy and Tony to herd Loki -who was in restrictive handcuffs - onto the aircraft. 

After a few hours of flying, the Quinjet was passing over rocky terrain.

"Is he saying anything?" Fury asked over radio. 

"Not a word." Nat reported.

"Just get him here. We're low on time."


Peggy looked over at Loki, who sat quietly in his seat, staring at the pair.

"There's something not quite right about this." She remarked quietly. Tony, who caught her statement, looked over at the super-soldier. 

"What, Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony Stark, Howard's son, queried. She nodded. "Yes. It just seemed... too easy." She glanced at Tony, a puzzled expression on her face. 

"Well, I'd say you held your own out there, y'know, considering you came out of a portal less than a month ago." He paused before asking. "What was it like?" 

She hummed as she considered her words. "Well, let's just say I won't be eating calamari any time soon. It was more disorientating than anything."

Their conversation was interrupted when a strike of lighting came out of nowhere, striking dangerously close to the plane. Thunderclouds rolled in and soon the jet was flying in torrential rain. Peggy and Tony looked around, eyes eventually landing on Loki, who was looking cautious and slightly afraid at the sudden storm. "What's the matter? You're not scared of a bit of lightning, are you?" She asked, suspicious at his reaction. 

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." He stated, looking around rapidly. Tony and Peggy exchanged looks, confused at his statement. A loud clunk on the roof shook the plane slightly, causing everyone to freeze and look up.  Stark suited up and opened the hangar door.  

"Stark, what the bloody hell are you doing?!" Peggy yelled over the rushing wind. 

A blond man in battle armour not unlike Loki's landed on the ramp. Stark aimed his repulsers but was thrown into the front of the ship by a hammer. The unknown man grabbed Loki by the neck and flew out, leaving the occupants of the aircraft stunned, confused and exasperated. Stark sighed deeply. "And now there's that guy."

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha questioned, flicking switches and pressing buttons simultaneously. Peggy. having caught up on recent news, plus reading the file left in her apartment and conducting research of her own, meant she knew exactly who that was. "I'm guessing that's Thor? God of Thunder and all that?" She stated wearily. 

This night seemed to go on forever.

"Yes, and we need to get Loki back. If he frees or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."

"Tony, we need a plan. We can't just go in there blind!"

"I have a plan. Attack." And with that, Stark flew out of the hangar, following their trail. Peggy shook her head, officially done with this mission. 

Now I know how Howard felt.

She grabbed a parachute and secured it, getting ready to jump. 

"I'd sit this one out, Cap. They're Gods. you can't hope to defeat them." Natasha called from the cockpit. "That's the thing, Agent. No-one's undefeatable." Peggy said, and leapt into the night.

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