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Chapter Three - The Name's Captain Carter


A map of Europe lay on the table. "The last intel report said the 107th hit enemy fire here." Peggy pointed to an area. "If your friend was taken by HYDRA..." She trailed off. Steve caught onto her train of thought. "Bucky's unit is now 50 kilometres behind the front line." He looked at Peggy. "I can't ask you to go."

"You're not asking. He's your friend."

"The best one I got." Steve admitted.

"Even better. If we're going to take down HYDRA, we'll need all the friends we can get." She turned to leave but was stopped when Steve grabbed her hand.

"I owe you one." Steve said.

"You owe me more than that. You owe me a dance."


A motorcycle roared down a path in the forest, approaching the nearby HYDRA base. Peggy camed from out of nowhere and jogged next to the man riding it.

"This is nice, You mind if I have a go?"

She elbowed him and jumped onto the bike, speeding towards the base. She increased her speed and crashed into the fence, knocking over a few soldiers in her way. Bullets rained down from a sentry tower, but that was easily sorted out with a collision from the bike she sent flying their way.

Inside the base, prisoners looked up at the impact, wondering what was going on. Calls from above could be heard as the fighting got closer to the cells.

"The Fraulein!"

Suddenly, an HYDRA soldier was kicked over to the cells and laid there, knocked out. The captured soldiers looked up and saw Peggy running toward them. 'Dum Dum' Dugan looked impressed and said in awe "Since when did dames fight like that?"

Before she could respond, 3 more enemy soldiers came, but she managed them with ease. "Since today, understood." said Dum Dum. Peggy walked up to the cell they were in. "Are you the 107th? I'm here for Sergeant Barnes." Peggy asked. The man in question stepped forward. "Who are you supposed to be, Queen of England?" He quipped, curious about their saviour. Peggy grabbed the door and pulled it away, without breaking a sweat. They looked stunned.

"Steve Rogers sent me. The name's Captain Carter."


The doors burst open and Captain Carter led the newly freed soldiers out, firing at soldiers all around them. Suddenly, tanks were rolling out, firing upon them. A shell fired at Carter who managed to divert its course using her shield. It exploded in the air. More explosions occurred around them, too close for comfort. Peggy dived into a nearby ditch, the others following suit. She grabbed a radio out and called for air support. The reply was unexpected.

"Copy that. Rogers inbound."

"Steve?" Peggy questioned, surprised.

"Rogers?" Bucky finished, also in shock.

There was no time for questions as a large flying machine flew over their heads. "What in heavens?" Peggy exclaimed. The metal contraption landed just in front of a tank and blew it up. 'It' turned around to face Captain Carter, the tesseract in full view at the centre of the weapon.

The Chronicles of Captain Carter - The First AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now