Part 41 (Betrothed)

Start from the beginning

"Perfect, little sister." Thor said with a feigned smile. "You look mesmerizing."

"Painfully divine as always, love." Loki added.

I rolled my eyes, beginning to walk ahead of them towards the banquet hall. "Yeah, alright."

The hall was filled to the brim with people, talking and mingling. It reminded me far too much of Tony's parties at home. I put on my usual facade, the one Tony always called my 'pretty princess' mask, which was sort of like running on autopilot after years of doing it.

Thor stood with me for quite awhile, watching and talking with people who approached me. I pulled the usual charms, one of the few pros to being a psych major was knowing how the brain works, knowing how to give people the impression you want. Standing straight, a warm smile, a moment of undivided attention, and remembering a person's name can have long lasting impacts on the impression they have of you.

"I knew you'd do well at this." Thor said through a grin, walking me towards a table when the mingling began to die down. "I didn't know you'd do that well, though. You've charmed your way to the entire courts' hearts by now."

"That was the goal." I huffed through a smile. "Charm, eat, leave."

A chuckle escaped Thor's throat, "You're far too much like Loki in that regard."

I pulled out a seat between Fandral and Sif, sitting down before Thor went to the royalty table. Moments later, everyone stood for Frigga and Odin, who gave a short speech I paid absolutely no mind to, then food was finally served.

"The noblemen are quite taken by you." Fandral commented with a smile, "Many are expressing desire for their sons to woo you."

"Woo me." I said with a laugh, rolling my eyes. "How misogynistic."

Fandral grinned at this, "Yes, here that's quite normal for the Nobel ladies. Wait until they realize you're a warrior on Midgard. They'll be stunned, I'm sure."

"Good, I do enjoy leaving people speechless."

"That doesn't surprise me one bit, goddess. You do a wonderful job of it." Fandral commented back.

"If Loki is smart, he'll have the Allfather announce your courtship quickly before the men bust down the palace with offers of marriage." Volstagg added with a smirk.

"I do believe being in a betrothal with two women simultaneously is frowned upon." Fandral responded between bites.

When my head shot towards him, he seemed taken aback.

He paused for a minute, his eyes growing wide. "Oh... I was being a biglesnipe... Wait. They didn't..." He rambled, before pausing as he huffed aloud. "Curse my loose tongue... I'm sorry."

What the actual hell? They didn't tell me, no. Not a word, actually. I felt my stare still on Fandral for a moment longer, before I actually laughed. I wasn't sure what for, I didn't necessarily feel like laughing. Nonetheless, I laughed, taking another bite of my food.

"Quite alright, Charming." I said, once again falling into autopilot. "That's some baggage that will have to be unpacked later."

Fuming, no. Well, maybe. I was a bit numb as I picked at my food, suddenly incredibly nauseous. I wasn't quite sure what I planned to do with Fandral's words. It made sense, now, why Loki was so nervous to seem endearing to me in front of people outside his and Thor's small circle, why Thor was coincidentally always the one accompanying me during dinners, like earlier on before the feast had begun. But engaged? Why would neither of them even bother to say something?

Thor was Loki's brother. To expect his loyalty to me over Loki was unfair, I knew, but it didn't mean his lack of loyalty was any less painful. I suppose it now made sense why he was so frustrated over catching us together.

And as for Loki, I didn't even want to look at him. My brain switched repeatedly between wanting to beat him over the head with my suit's sword and wanting to ask him for an explanation, part of me feeling certain there had to be more to the situation...

But maybe there wasn't. Maybe he truly was just living up to his name, the god of lies.

What a fucking idiot. He's the god of lies and you chose him to trust?

I scolded myself repeatedly, but smiled and laughed with the warriors through my facade, keeping up with their conversation rather seamlessly. I knew I had them fooled, because the air at the table was once again light and happy only minutes after Fandral and I's awkward interaction.

After Odin and Frigga exited, Thor and Loki both began talking with a couple of the courts men, and I took this as a good time to exit before having to interact with either of them. I walked towards the already open corridors, through the crowds of people mingling, until I felt a hand on my shoulder as I reached the hall.

"Allow me to escort you, please. It is my fault you're leaving alone." Fandral said, a sorrow-filled smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm an adult. I don't need a babysitter."

"I'm not sure what a 'babysitter' is, but, if you say no, I'm going to follow behind anyway. There are far too many guests here for you to go alone."

At that I actually laughed, "Alright, charming. Escort me."

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