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[ At the hospital ]

"Hey wait, he might be asleep." The nurse tried stopping Xion before he burst through I.M's room.

"It's ok nurse. He can come in. And please close the door behind you, thank you."

"Of course sir" the nurse bowed before closing it softly behind her.

"So your mom told you."

"Yeah she did. Is it true?"

"Yes it's true."

Xion sat beside the bed, "Then why did you kiss me when you were here?"

"It was a mistake and I shouldn't have. I'm sore for confusing you."

Silence fell over them.

"Xion? Say something please. Do you hate me?" I.M's hands slowly moved to hold Xion's.

"Why do you always have to burden yourself, hyung? Let people help you. I can never hate you." Squeezing I.M's hand. "You know what I overheard a nurse say when they were taking you to the operation? She said "good thing you didn't sign the DNR".

I.M let out a small, almost inaudible gasp. "Xion, I'm sorry."

"Why did you want one in the first place?"

"I-I wanted one because I thought that I should be punished for killing my own brother. I didn't feel like I should still be here. Getting cancer was like a punishment for me and I felt it was a sign that I shouldn't be here anymore." I.M responds as a tear glides down his cheeks.

"What made you change your mind?"


"M-me? Why me?"

"I had to make sure you were well taken care of. I couldn't just leave you to this world without something in return for your kindness and love."


"I didn't think Wonho wanted me to leave you. I knew he would have wanted me to take care of you. If I didn't, Wonho would whoop my ass in heaven." I.M chuckled but due to the lack of strength, he had started coughing.

Xion shakes his head, "Take a deep breath, hyung. He definitely would. I know he would have wanted you to live life as full as you can. He wouldn't have wanted you to just give up."

Xion looks at I.M warmly, taking his hand in his. "I love you hyung. Thank you for being here. Please don't leave, just for me. I want you to be my hyung as long as possible. I want to make up for all those years."

I.M started to tear up, "Of course Dongdonggie. I love you too little bro."

Xion looked around the room and spotted a tray of untouched food. "Why didn't you eat?"

"I wasn't hungry." I.M simply replied.

"I'll eat with you." Grabbed the tray closer to them so Xion could eat with him.

"Hey Xion, I don't know if I will be able to make it to your dance performance this weekend. I'm really sorry." I.M said before shoving some sweet potato mash into his mouth.

"No, no, don't apologize. You need rest and that's the most important thing for you right now."

"But-but I feel bad. I promised I would go and now I can't. I'm so sorry Xion-ie."

"Hyung, it's ok. I forgive you, I promise. There will be other chances you can go to my dance performances. I have one next semester too. Now let's stop talking about that and eat." 

Strawberry And Cigarettes || ONEUS LeeonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora