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Not much happened in Hwanwoong's group except everyone was very awkward and was ignoring each other. Except for one person, Winter, who was the only one smiling and clinging to Ravn.

Hwanwoong though clung to Lee Know. However the silence went on for another 10 minutes when Lee Know finally spoke up. "Can we cut this out now? We won't get anything done whatsoever. Let's just see this assignment as an assignment. No feelings for each other. Act like we're just classmates and no more. Got it?"

The three of them hesitantly nodded and eventually got to work.

While in Leedo and Xion's group, Leedo started to ignore NingNing more and more since he thought she was annoying. But secretly he didn't want to hurt Xion's feelings. Even when NingNing started to get touchy, Leedo pushed her away and paid closer attention to Xion.

However, Keonhee and Seoho's team was having the most trouble of all three. The two girls sat there awkwardly, exchanging glances at each other and the two boys in front of them.

Seoho sat, turned a bit away from Keonhee while Keonhee wore a mask and a baseball cap to hide his face which was a red, teary mess.

"Are you guys ok? What happened?" Yuki broke the silence.

But only silence replied. Then a small whisper came out. "Let-let's just get started from the beginning and we'll create along the way." Keonhee said referring to the dance choreo, without looking up.

"Yeah sure." Was the only thing the two girls could say.

[ After Class ]

Even after class, none of the friends gathered together. Keonhee hurried home, Seoho went for a run around the city to clear his mind. Ravn went to the library to study, Hwanwoong stayed behind with Lee Know to help him with dance, and Xion went to visit Wonho. Leedo went to the cafe with his sister to work and study.

Hwanwoong POV:

"Are you ok? Let's take a rest." Lee Know handed Hwanwoong his water bottle. "Did you hurt your ankle badly?"

"I don't know. It does kinda hurt." Sitting himself near a wall so he could lean on.

"Here, let me see." Gently taking Hwanwoong's leg onto his lap, examining it. "Does it hurt?" Touching a part of his ankle made Hwanwoong wince a bit.

"Yeah, a little bit." Trying to pull his foot back but Lee Know kept it in place.

"Let me treat it." Pulling out a small brace out of a medical box, putting it onto Hwanwoong's small ankle.

"Thank you and thank you for helping out with the dance." Hwanwoong leaned back onto the wall. Then something on his face told Lee Know there was something on his mind.

"Talk to me Hwanwoong." Sitting close to him also leaning his head back.

"When you say you liked me, did you mean it or was it because of Ravn?"

"I don't know. Did you mean it when you said you liked me back or was it because of Ravn?"


"You don't have to answer." Turning his face away from Hwanwoong but then turned back when Hwanwoong replied.

"No it's ok. It's just I don't know my feelings yet and I don't want to confuse you or-" he stopped, not wanting to say his name. "I do like you Lee Know, but if you're just saying it because of him, then I don't think I can say the same."

Lee Know took Hwanwoong's chin in his hand, gently turning it to face him. "I do really like you. I wasn't saying that because of Ravn. I said it was because I really like you." Slowly he leaned in, delicately kissing Hwanwoong's lips.

He hesitated at first but with Lee Know's embrace, he soon fell into the kiss.

And just behind the door, Ravn watched with a conflicted heart. 

Strawberry And Cigarettes || ONEUS Leeonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن