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[ Time Skip ]

Xion sat at his desk observing his science class after getting dropped off by Seoho. Then first landing his eyes on a group of 3 boys smirking and laughing. For some reason this made Xion's spine shiver. And apparently he wasn't the only one. A pair of brown eyes met his, realizing it was Leedo's. Spotting some sort of concern in Leedo's eyes but it wasn't really clear.

All of the sudden, Xion jumped at the piercing slam on his desk from the 3 boys he was just looking at.

"You're the new kid everyone is talking about, aren't you?" One of them growled.

"Yes... I am the new kid but I don't think the whole school knows about me yet."

The desk received another slam from one of the boys, "Dont fucking talk back to me, loser. And where's your respect for olders huh?"

Xion's heart aches a bit from the bitter words he received. "I'm sorry that people are talking about me? What are they saying?"

"They're talking about how sweet and how cute you are.That you'll be a popular student soon. But guess what? You're just a little bitch so I suggest you keep your mouth shut." The boy leaned into Xion's ear, whispering, "Unless you want some punishments." Smirking as he backed away, witnessing Xion's horrified face. Knowing what the bullies meant by punishment.

"I'm sure you know what I mean right, pretty boy." Roughly messing up Xion's hair.

Xion quickly fixed his hair before turning around just in time to see Leedo's gaze quickly turned towards the window with a slight anger and an unknown emotion.

[ Time Skip ] Outside of school

"Xion! Xion! XION!!" Hwanwoong and the others shook his shoulder, trying to pull him out of his trance.

"Huh? What?" Xion looked around confused.

"What are you thinking about so deeply? Is everything ok?"

Just thinking about what the bullies said made Xion's skin crawl. "It-it's nothing. Don't worry about it." Forcing a smile on his face.

"No it's not, Xion. You're our friend. Please tell us. We're worried." Seoho spoke as the others nodded in unison.

"Were you bullied, Xion?" Ravn asked straightforwardly, wasting no time to help his friend to feel better.

His silence answered the answer at itself as the others widened their eyes, and couldn't believe that someone ever wanted to bully sweet Xion.

"Who were they?" Keonhee asked still in shock

"I don't know their names. There's 3 tall guys. That's all I know. Xion mumbled, taking a peek at his friends who were now comforting him.

"It's probably The Trio." Seoho glanced at everyone.

"Listen Xion, if it's The Trio, stay away from them. Don't talk to them. Don't listen to them." Ravn warned.

Xion bobbed his head though in his head he knew that wasn't going to happen. He knew it wasn't the typical bullying. He knew it's happening once again. His fear, his trauma.

* Flashback * (Xion's past bullying: aka first year of middle school )


Everyday Xion was getting bullied by the same group of boys. It was a group of just two boys yet the two boys wouldn't let Xion in peace...ever.

They would follow him everywhere he went, torment poor Xion everywhere he went. It went on like this for months until one day they took it way too far.

Xion was walking home from school when he was suddenly lured by a stray cat into a dark alleyway but lo and behold, it wasn't any stray cat. It was bait from the bullies since they knew Xion was kind hearted like that to help animals.

"Hey kitty, did you get lost?" Following the kitten into the alleyway unaware what he was about to face.

"I think you're the kitten that's lost." A boy stood over Xion who was now scared since he knew whose voice that belonged to.

Xion was about to escape when he was pulled down by the taller boy who pinned Xion to the ground with both of Xion's hands over his head.

"Stop struggling you little sl*t. Be still, pretty kitty." The two boys continued their thing while Xion squirmed and screamed in fear. One of the boy's hands crept up to his mouth to keep him quiet which worked for a bit but Xion kept struggling. Though he wasn't sure how long he could hold on anymore.

Just as Xion was about to give up and give up his body, when he no longer felt the two boys on top of him, realizing someone had come to rescue him. Knowing he was safe, he let himself pass out. The last thing he remembers is someone picking him up in their arms.

Next thing Xion knew when he woke up was that he was in an unknown room with a middle aged man and a boy around his age in the room. Terrified he tried getting up but his body failed him due to his exhaustion.

"Your body is still tired. Please don't try to get up yet." The man told Xion, walking up to his bedside.

"Do you remember what happened?" The boy walked up with a cup of water.

Upon having the memory brought up, Xion started shaking once again, turning his head away.

"It's ok. You don't have to talk about it right now. My father is a doctor so please rest assured. We will take care of you. My name is Wonho."

After that day, Wonho had helped Xion out of the bullies' grasp, protecting him from all the people who wanted to hurt Xion at school. The two became close friends and in their second year of middle school, they realized their feelings towards each other and started dating. They had dated for three years and they loved each other very much. They had always promised to stay by each other's side no matter what.

* End of Flashback *

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