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[ In the morning ]

Xion woke with the help of his alarm but without I.M by his side. He figured he had left so he got ready for the day and went to school.

The whole day went the same as the other days...

Xion POV:

The moment the bell rang, everyone rushed out the door while two people went the opposite way. Suddenly Xion was grabbed by his arms and dragged out.

"Hey, where are you taking me? Hey." Trying his best to shake the two boys off of him but it was no use at all since they were way stronger than him.

The two didn't let go until they reached the back of an alleyway where the leader of The Trio stood. "Look who's here." The leader lifted Xion's chin with his pointer finger. "Beat him up ONLY enough to show. And let's see if he will come and save you."

In Xion's mind, he thought of Leedo. Why wouldn't it not be Leedo? Who else would they be talking about? "He's not going to come."

"Oh now now, I'm not talking about who you're thinking about. I honestly don't care if Leedo comes or not. We will see won't we?"

[ Back at the school ]

Ravn, Hwanwoong Seoho, and Keonhee all stood at the entrance waiting and waiting for their dear friend Xion but never came.

"Does someone want to text him?" Seoho suggested.

"I did already. Still didn't answer. I also called twice." Hwanwoong answered, checking his message on his phone for the tenth time.

"Where's Leedo, he might know." Ravn looked around trying to find him.

"Did you not hear? They broke up." Hwanwoong said as he looked up at him.

"What?! When." Keonhe exclaimed, almost dropping his phone on the ground.

"Ya it doesn't matter why or when now. I'll go and find him. You guys walk around here and keep an eye out." Ravn directed, sprinting away.

Soon enough Ravn spotted Leedo waiting at the parking lot, smoking a cigarette.

"Leedo! Have you seen Xion?"

"Why would I have seen him?" Puffing out a smoke ring from his cigarette.

"Listen, we can't find him and he hasn't responded to any of our texts or calls."

"He's probably with his new boyfriend. That guy that we helped the other day picks him up at the gate everyday now." Inhaling another round of cigarettes.

"Ok then come on let's go." Grabbing Leedo's wrist but he yanked it away.

"Who said I was coming with you? I'm not going with you. Good luck on finding him though." Walking away, Ravn grabbed his arm again but this time tighter.

"Are you being serious right now? Xion is missing and you don't care? You don't care just even a little bit? I know what happened between you two and honestly if you really love him, you would still do stuff for him just like you did the other day. I'm going to walk away and go find him and if you still have feelings for him then follow me and if you don't follow me then it's your loss."

Ravn slowly walked away and at first Leedo stood there but soon enough Leedo followed. "Come on, I know who we need to talk to." Rushing past Ravn.


"What the hell. Why is he late again? It's been more than 10 minutes." Just then he saw two boys running towards him, realizing it was the two boys who helped him the other day.

"Have you seen Xion?" They both asked at the exact same time.

I.M shook his head, "No, I've been waiting here for almost 15 minutes. Why, what's wrong?"

"We can't find him either. He usually answers our texts but he hasn't responded. I thought you might have seen him since you picked him up from school everyday recently." Leedo explained the situation.

"Let's split up. We'll find him faster this way." I.M suggested walking the other way and Leedo and Ravn the other way.

"Xion-ah! Xion-ah! Where are you? It's me, I.M, your hyung. Come on out!" I.M shouted over and over until his voice started to get scratchy.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a backpack strap sticking out from a back alleyway. Slowly with caution he walked towards it and just in the far corner he saw Xion bound by his wrist, and ankles.

"Xion-ah, Xion omg what happened to you? Who did this?" Shaking Xion who had his eyes half open, half closed from the small beating he had received.

"I did." A voice rang behind him.

Spinning around to face the leader of The Trio who stood tall, overshadowing I.M.

"It's been a long time hasn't it, Changkyun? Remember me?" Walking up, slamming I.M's head to the ground as Xion screamed with horror. Leaving I.M blacked out. Then dragging I.M to the other side of the wall, repeatedly punching him.

"HYUNG! Please stop. He has nothing to do with any of this. Please stop." Xion begged with all his power in his voice.

"Oh he has everything to do with this. EVERYTHING." The leader growled, turning to Xion. 

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