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This chapter will be about how I.M and Xion got close after Wonho's passing.

[ Flashback ]

*heavy breathing from running* "Where is he? Dad, where is he?" I.M ran full speed into the hospital emergency entrance in tears after hearing his brother was involved in a hit and run.

"Son, it's bad and I want you to prepare but before then we must have faith in your brother. He's strong so let's believe in him, ok? " Pulling his son into an embrace. "But you can't stay here. Bring Xion home with you and look after him."

I.M turned around to see a boy balled up on a chair, whole body shaking from crying. "Of course dad. Keep me updated."

I.M had to physically carry Xion into the car since he was that distraught. He seated himself in the driver's seat, hands shaking as he gripped the steering wheel. Once they arrived at his house, he carried the fragile Xion onto his bed before leaving to start a warm bath.

"Come on, let's get you washed up so you can sleep, ok?" Carrying him in bridal style into the tub. He helped him wash up before putting him into his pajamas. Cradling Xion as if he was a child who had awoken from a nightmare.

"Hy-hyung, why? Why does it have to be him? He-he's gone." Xion cried, gripping onto I.M's shirt tighter until he could feel Xion's fingers dig through his skin.

"Shhhh no, don't say that. He still has a chance. Wonho is strong. He's going to make it." He let out sob along with Xion.

However, it never happened. The very next day, Wonho passed away. And ever since that day, I.M and Xion stuck together like glue and became very close.

[ On one night ]

"Xion-ah, if anything or anyone bothers you, you will tell me right?" The two were in I.M's bed with Xion laying on his lap while I.M brushed his hair.

"Mm yeah I will." Xion replied casually.

But I.M didn't take that answer seriously. He tilted Xion's head up to look at him, "I'm serious. I'll deal with whatever troubles you. So promise me."

"Nae (yes) I promise." Suddenly Xion got up to face him. "Do you promise me that too?"

"Mmm yeah I will. Don't worry about me." Cupping Xion's cheek, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

But this wouldn't last long either. In a couple months, Xion's parents soon split, making them move along with Wonho's passing as a reason. Xion however never knew the real reason. That being I.M's parents and Xion's parents found out what was going on between the two boys. They found they were getting way too close to the point they were getting romantically involved. Both parents secretly agreed it was bad for Xion's health so Xion's mom agreed to move him away. However none of the parents knew I.M overheard them but he knew he couldn't do anything about it so he kept quiet. 

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