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After the two ate, they dropped Xion off at the old house before the two drove to the new place.

It's been a few hours since the three of them started cleaning up both houses.

Xion blows out a breath, placing his phone onto the coffee table in front of him. "Let's clean this up before hyung comes back." Looking at the bits of dust on the floor.

Grabbing the broom that once laid against the beige wall, slowly sweeping the floor near and under the table. Out flew two pieces of folded paper, seemingly like it was in an envelope once. "What is this? Why is it under the table?" He knew he probably shouldn't read it since it does belong to I.M but for some reason he couldn't resist. Broom still in hand, he unfolded the letter. The first letter on the top read, "WILL AND TESTAMENT" And the other, will anyone could guess. As his eyes glanced at the paper, he felt his stomach wrench, not caring that the broom had fallen out of his hands, making a loud thud against the hard bare floor.


8 minutes before

"Hey Leedo, Imma head back to the old place. Gotta pick up the table - " I.M stopped, his face turned ghostly pale.

Leedo noticed, "What, what's wrong? Are you ok? Do you feel like fainting?" Rushing over to I.M.

"The-th-the t-ta-ble" I.M voice hitches. "I-the-le-let-letter." Unable to take a breath from his panic shock, his body responds by violently coughing.

"Hyung, breath. You have to breathe otherwise your body is going to go into shock. You got to breathe. Talk to me." Leedo holds I.M's shoulder to give him some stability as if Leedo knew something was going on.

"I-I left the-the paper, the-the letter under the cof-coffe table."

Leedo's eyes widened, "Listen, you need to tell him before it's too late. Go right now and tell him. I'll drive if you want me to."

All Leedo received from I.M was a small nod.

Xion POV:

By now The further he read, the shaker his hands were, the blurrier his eyes became due to the tears welling up his eyes. This is what he read.

Dear Mr. Im Changkyu,

This is a formal notice concerning your biopsy last week due to finding of a tumor in your last scan a few months ago. To my understanding, you previously had cancer a couple years ago. 4 months ago, you went to your hometown hospital after developing unusual symptoms. After receiving a scan from them, it was found you had a small mass in your body. You transferred to this hospital 2 months ago for a second opinion. A week ago, you received another scan and I am very sorry to let you know the mass has grown. Confirming the cancer you had 2 years ago has come back more severe. However, this does not mean there are no treatments, though it is still not a guaranteed success. I know this is a very hard time for you and your loved ones. Please let us know if there is something we can do. Please call us back at *** *** **** so our team could help you on your next step. Thank you.


Seoul Hospital

Xion's breath shortens. With shaky hands he pulled out the first letter, WILL AND TESTAMENT and read it in detail.

It read someone like this: I, Im Changkyu, direct and confirm the beneficiary, that if the death of this individual occurs, all, 100%, of property and money will be given to Son Dongju.

Amount: $600,000

Property: *the house he just bought aka the one he's moving into right now*

Witnessed by *his dad's name* and *Xion's mom*

Reading all this made Xion feel like he couldn't breathe as if he was about to have a heart attack. Right then, the door knob quickly turns, making a squeak.

"Xion." I.M's voice is almost desperate. Seeing Xion sobbing, the papers still in his hands, shaking like a leaf, he knew he was too late.

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