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"Good Morning class! We have a new student! Why don't you come up to the class to introduce yourself?" Directing it at Xion.

The blond shoulder length hair boy walked to the front of the class with confidence and spoke, "Hello everyone. My name is Xion and I'm the new student here. Please take care of me and I hope we can all be friends." Ending with a smile.

"Welcome to this school and my class, Xion." The teacher clapped with a bright smile on her face.

Before the teacher could ask Xion back to his seat, the new boy leaned to the teacher's ear and whispered something. Making the smile on her face even brighter. "Of course Xion. That would be really sweet of you! Class, Xion is so kind to us and wants to give each of you a lollipop."

One by one, Xion gave each person in class a lollipop. However, once reaching the back of the class, where Leedo sat, the whole class went silent, as if they were somehow all holding their breath to see what would happen.

Xion took out a strawberry flavored lollipop, extending it to the boy who sat in front of him. Yet Leedo didn't take it from him, making Xion curious at the boy's reaction. It seemed like forever until Xion smiled as he placed the nicely wrapped lollipop on Leedo's desk before skipping back to his seat next to Hwanwoong. Leaving Leedo to stare at the lollipop at the edge of his desk.

"Who is that guy?" Xion whispered as he sat in his seat.

"His name is Leedo, but people call him Cigarettes. He's usually cold like that so don't worry, you didn't piss him off. No one talks to him cause one, he's scary, and two, he's quite straightforward. His words will hurt people. I heard from other students that he's bad news but I don't really know. We just recommend not to get near him." Hwanwoong concluded as Keonhee nodded.

"But why the name Cigarettes?" Xion furrowed his brow in question.

"You'll see why later. You wanna share my textbook until you get yours?" Hwanwoong asks, focusing back to class.

[ Time Skip ]

"All right class, as you just heard, the bell just rang so I hope you have a great rest of the day and I'll see you later!" The teacher clapped as she waved all her students bye.

"Hwanwoong hyung, could you tell me where Math in room 302 is?"

"Oh Ravn can walk with you since he's in that class."

Xion tilted his head, "Who's Ravn?"

"I am." A tall green-haired boy walked up right beside Hwanwoong. "New student?" Ravn asked Hwanwoong, looking down at the shorter boy.

"Yep, his name is Xion. Could you show our new friend your math class?" Hwanwoong tilted his head up to meet Ravn's brown eyes.

"Yeah of course. Welcome to this school, Xion. I hope we get along well." Now standing next to Xion.

"You better get along well with him, Ravn. Unless you want to fight me." Playfully doing air punches as Hwanwoong walked to his own class.

"Shall we go?" Ravn smiled at the blonde-haired boy next to him.

Since the two got to class early, they had a few minutes to chat.

"Are there any of your friends I haven't met?" Xion asked in an attempt to strike a conversation.

"Who have you met?" Ravn asked, figuring out who else was left.

"I met Hwanwoong, Keonhee, and you." The blonde hair boy replied.

"Oh so you haven't met Seoho." The green-haired boy concluded.

"Oh that guy. I've heard some stuff about him. Don't worry, it's all good things though." Xion added the last part to make sure he wasn't offending Ravn or his friends.

"Ah, is it about Keonhee dating him?" Ravn laughed. "Well it's complicated because Keonhee likes him but Seoho wants to take it slow so he's refusing to admit he has a slight feeling for Keonhee. Seoho isn't the type to get serious until he knows for sure about his feelings and he teases Keonhee about it too. But don't worry they haven't fought yet."

"That's good. I wouldn't want any of you guys to fight each other because I feel like you guys are all really close to each other." Xion said in deep thought.

"Yeah we are actually. How could you tell?" Ravn furrowed his brow, looking over at Xion who was playing with his fingers.

All of the sudden Xion asked something that shocked Ravn, making him silent for a minute. "You like someone that's close to you, don't you?"

A minute of silence followed the two then Ravn spoke, "You're good at reading people, aren't you?"

"Yeah, you could say that. But most of the time, things just come out of my mouth. You don't need to answer my questions, by the way." Xion turned to Ravn, smiling. "Oh I almost forgot. Here, have one." Extending a lollipop to Ravn.

Just then the teacher came into the room, making the whole room go quiet as class had started. 

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