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Xion POV:

The two sat next to each other on a bench overlooking the school garden. "Are you ok, Hwanwoong? What happened in dance class?"

"Honestly, I don't know." Hwanwoong started then paused. Xion said nothing, patiently waiting for his friend to feel comfortable telling him.

"It's just this girl. She defended Ravn like I did something wrong and it's like she knew him for a long time or something. She was talking sweet and shit." Hwanwoong let out.

"But that's not what's bothering, is it?" Xion asked and Hwanwoong shook his head. "No."

"I'm confused, Xion. I don't know why I'm so mad at Ravn and with this girl. I saw them hugging at the end of class. Are they that close already?"

"You sound like you're jealous." Xion laughed softly.

"No...I'm not because-" Before Hwanwoong could say what he was going to say, Xion finished it for him.

"Because you like someone else."

"Yeah. I like you, Xion. But at the same time I don't like you like that but-"

"But someone else likes you and you don't know if you like them back yet." Xion finished Xion's sentence once again.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Looking at his friend like he was some kind of wizard.

"It's written on your face. Why do you like me? Just curious."

"You're comforting against all these people and I don't know, against the whole world. It's like I can feel relaxed when I'm with you. For Ravn, I'm nervous but at the same time I'm mad but at the same time I don't care yet I do. For Lee Know, I'm confused. I don't know how to act if someone else likes me. I'm just confused, Xion. You're the only person I feel like I can talk to without offending them." Letting a big sigh, letting his back gently hit the back of the wooden bench, as Hwanwoong just let out his feelings.

"Well, you're right about me not being offended because I'm not. I know you like me from day one, but I don't think you mean it that way. You're just figuring out your feelings and I know that." Hugging a teary Hwanwoong in his arms.

"I don't know what I'm feeling or what to feel. I'm just so confused. I just wanted to be alone with you. I don't think I can face my friends right now. I don't like them seeing my sad side." Hwanwoong cried his frustration out. "Thank you for being with me right now, Xion. It means a lot." Hwanwoong let himself hug Xion who was patting Hwanwoong's hair.

"Of course, Hwanwoong. I'll be here whenever you need me. I'll help you along your journey." Not knowing someone was watching...

Ravn POV:

He hid just behind the trees, watching the scene unfold in front of him. Listening to every word they say, felt as if his heart was shot twice. Looking down was with a sullen expression written over his face.

Slowly he walked away, soon arriving at the library where he said he was going. Ravn walked to the window seat he had always sat but this time, it was occupied by a silhouette of a boy.

The boy turned around revealing himself as Lee Know.

"What are you doing here? This is my seat." Ravn said in a low voice.

Lee Know got up from the chair, walking up to Ravn, a foot away. "Oh really? I don't see your name on it. Maybe you should've gotten here earlier like you told your friends you would be."

"What is your problem?" Ravn was on the verge to just shove his dance team member.

"My problem? What's yours? You didn't even stand up for Hwanwoong back there (a/n: back when they were choosing songs). You favor Winter over your own best friend?"

"I wanted to, believe me. But-"

"But what? But I spoke up first? Yeah, I get that but you didn't even try to adknowledge Hwanwoong the whole entire time we were trying to create the choreography. What's up with that?"

Ravn could feel his frustration rise, "Because Winter wouldn't leave me the fuck alone, that's why."

"So? You're going to let her get in the way of caring for your friend oh wait, should I say crush? Ravn, let me let you in on a secret. Everyone knows you have a crush on Hwanwoong, except you. So, let me advise you on something, don't do anything stupid because I don't like seeing him sad. And I will take my chances on Hwanwoong because you're not the only guy that likes him. I'm sure you know that, don't you, Ravn?" Aggressively putting his hand on Ravn's shoulder as they face opposite ways.

Lee Know got close to Ravn's ears to the point, he could feel Lee Know's breath, "You know what else I don't see your name on? Hwanwoong." Lee Know chuckled before walking away, leaving Ravn with his fist balled up. 

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