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[ The Next Day ]

Xion walked to where his friends were which now only consist of Leedo, Keonhee, and Seoho. However upon arriving, Leedo excused himself and went to class alone. Xion thought it was weird but didnt think too much about it.

[ Lunch ]

Keonhee POV:

Keonhee had just bought Seoho's favorite bread, ready to go meet him when he got out of class for lunch. He was so happy he skipped through the hallway until something made him slow his pace.

"I'm so happy for Seoho. He must be beyond proud of himself for getting an international scholarship to the U.S. I heard he didn't tell Keonhee yet. He needs to tell me soon."

"Yeah I know right. That was pretty tough to get into. I'm jealous. Yeah but I don't think he wants to hurt him."

The two people discussed without knowing Keonhee overheard.

"What did you just say?" He asked the couple who turned around in shock.

"K-Keonhee, I didn't know you were here.." They stammered and just then the door of the classroom opened, revealing Seoho.

"Seo-seoho we didn't mean to. We're so sorry. We didn't mean to tell him." They kept bowing, begging for forgiveness though he didn't even know what they were saying sorry for.

"Guys what's wrong? Why are you sorry? What did you not mean to tell..." Seoho's voice trailed as he realized. Turning to Keonhee who stood there with tear filled eyes.

He dropped the bread on the floor and ran away.

"Keonhee wait." Seoho tried to catch up but it was too late.

[ After school ]

Xion POV:

The bell rang notifying the end of school. Xion was just finished packing up when he looked around the room not spotting Leedo anywhere. He ran out the classroom and down the stairs just in time to see Leedo at the front lawn, snatching out a cigarette from the box.

"Leedo wait. Why did you leave so fast?" Grabbing his arm, Leedo freed his arm easily from Xion and started walking away.

"Hey Leedo, talk to me. What's going on?"

"You tell me." Lighting up his cigarette.

"What are you talking about? And didn't I tell you not to smoke?" Attempting to grab it away from Leedo but he raised it over his head so Xion wasn't able to reach.

"And why would you care? Did you ever care? Or are you those typical girls/guys that just want to tame the bad boys? Don't come near me again. I don't want to see you." Huffing a breath of smoke before walking away.

"Aww poor baby." A mocking voice came just behind Xion. Immediately anger and fear rose to Xion.

"Don't be so sad. He needed to know the truth, aren't I right boys?" The leader of The Trio took out his phone, showing a picture.

Xion's eyes immediately grew big, heart sinking. It was a photo of him and I.M kissing at the park bench.

"Well, see you around Xion." The three giggled as they left Xion eyes filled with tears.

"That-that's not what you think Leedo." Xion whispered, knowing no one was there to listen. He couldn't take standing there any longer so he went back to a nearby empty classroom and hid. 

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