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[ Next Day ]

"Hey Xion. You look so cute today." Hwanwoong blushed as he noticed the boy walking up to the group.

"Thank you. You too." Xion smiled back but noticed Ravn turning his head away, his eyes meeting the tile flooring.

"Hey, we should get to class now. Seoho, would you like to show me to history class?" Xion looped his arms around Seoho's arm, dragging him away.

"So Ravn told you." Seoho started.

"No he didn't. I just figured it out." Xion turned to Seoho, smiling.

"Honestly it's not that hard to figure out Ravn likes Hwanwoong." Xion added. "You just have to see how Ravn looks at Hwanwoong."

"That's true." Seoho nodded. "But it's kinda sad that Hwanwoong doesn't realize it." He added.

"Don't worry about it too much, Seoho. I'm sure it will have a happy ending." Xion said before entering their classroom, ending their conversation there.

Hwanwoong POV:

Alright class, now you know what the project is about, please go find a partner.

"Hwanwoong, wanna be partners with me?" A boy asked

"Hey, I already asked before class started." Another boy said.

"He doesn't want to be partners with any of you. He wants to be partners with me." Another winked.

"Who do you choose?" The first boy asked. All of them standing in front of Hwanwoong's desk waiting to be chosen.

Ravn POV:

*sighs* I haven't even gotten out of my seat when all the boys crowd around Hwanwoong's desk. Hwanwoong is very popular among the guys especially the gays. I mean he is popular with girls too but mainly the guys. He's known as the ace in school because of his dance and choreography. I'll never have a chance."

Ravn pouted as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Realizing Hwanwoong wouldn't notice him, he got up to find his partner.

[ Art class ]

Xion POV:

Xion, Ravn and Hwanwoong were walking to their next class which happens to be art class. Unfortunately the three of them couldn't sit together since the table Ravn and Hwanwoong sat at had no more seats left. So Xion had to sit at the table diagonally in front of his two friends.

The moment Xion sat down, a group of three people walked in making everyone in class go quiet.

Xion looked up and saw The Trio heading his way. He tried to ignore them but The Trio wouldn't let Xion get away that easily.

The leader of the bully slammed his hand on Xion's table, making everyone in class turn their direction to Xion's direction. "Well well well look who's in this class. The little bitch."

Of course Ravn and Hwanwoong heard this and couldn't watch their new friend being bullied so he and Ravn confidently walked right behind Xion. "Leave him alone." Hwanwoong stated in his most confident voice but the bullies didn't even react. In fact they started laughing at Hwanwoong.

"So you're friends with this little sl*t, huh? I see no difference between you two. No wonder you two are friends." The bully laughed harder.

"Ya! (Hey). Watch your mouth." Ravn is now in front of both Xion and Hwanwoong. He could feel himself getting angry.

"Oh aren't you the guy that keeps rejecting all girls. I wonder why. Oh wait a minute... Is it because you're also one of them (his friends = gay). Or do you already like a boy and you're a scaredy cat to tell him because you're scared of his rejection? We know your little secret, Ravy." The leader of the bully got closer to Ravn's face to provoke him.

"I said watch your mouth. And do not call me Ravy." This time he said it slower as if he wanted the bullies to soak in every word he said.

"Or. else. what?" The leader taunted Ravn, chuckling.

And at that moment, Ravn had enough with The Trios's shit so he balled his right hand into a fist and punched the leader of the bully right in the cheek. And right there and then, all the fight broke out. The leader was fighting Ravn and Hwanwoong and Xion tried to stop it but then the other two bullies started fighting Xion Hwanwoong. Some students in the room started recording, some started screaming and some started cheering. Fortunately this fight did not last long since two teachers came in just in time to break off the fight.

In the end, the three of them were sent to the nurses office to treat their wounds. The bullies refused to go to the nurses office. Since the nurses office was already quite busy, the nurse wasn't able to tend to the three friends for long before other students needed her. So she asked volunteers to help out.

"Hwanwoong, go help Ravn first since he has more injuries. I'll be fine." Trying to persuade his friend to treat Ravn first but Hwanwoong was a bit stubborn.

"I'll take care of him." A low voice said behind them. Turning around to see Leedo holding a tray of medical supplies.

"O-ok." Hwanwoong hesitated at first but Xion gave him a reassuring nod.

"For some time it was silent as Leedo worked on cleaning Xion's wounds. He was trying to hold in his pain but it was too painful, making him release wincing sounds.

"Sorry. I'll try to be more gentle." Leedo apologized, putting down the alcohol swab.

"It's ok. I'm just not good with pain." Taking a rest from the stinging alcohol against his skin.

"You handled the bully's pain pretty well. Pretty badass." Leedo calmly complimented Xion.

"Thanks. May I ask, why did you decide to treat my wounds?" Looking up at Leedo who was applying antibiotic cream on his wounds.

"I sometimes help in this clinic to gain experience for a medical class. I want to become a doctor in the future." He cooly replied.

"Ahh I see." Xion nodded.

"There you go, all done." Backing away to examine Xion for other wounds he needed to treat but thankfully there was no more.

"You can either go back to class or you can stay here with your friends." Leedo said before walking out.

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