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Ravn and Xion just opened the door to their art class when the teacher stopped them from going further. "You both and Hwanwoong were just called to the principal's office. Please go there right away and take your backpacks too since you guys will miss the rest of class."

"Whelp I guess we're not going back to class." Ravn said in a funny voice, closing the door behind him.

"You ok, Hwanwoong?" Xion noticed his friend kept peeling at his fingertips.

"What happens if we're in trouble?" Hwanwoong spoke in such a whisper that both of his friends almost couldn't hear him. "What if the consequence is to cut off our dance class as detention?"

Xion reached and held Hwanwoong's hand, "It's going to be ok. I assure you we won't be in trouble." Xion said half heartedly but wanted to sound confident to make Hwanwoong feel better.

"Come in." The principal called out after Ravn knocked on the door, revealing a man in a suit with glasses perched on top of his nose. "I'm sure you know why I called you three in here."

"Namjoon ssi (Mr. Namjoon), please let me explain. I know what I did wrong but I did it to stand up for my friends.-"

Before Ravn could continue the principal stopped him, "Ravn ssi, I can tell that you know what you did wrong however you don't need to explain what really happened because I know what exactly happened. Someone came into my office 15 minutes ago, explaining what they saw. And just before you three came into my office, I had a talk with The Trio and all three were suspended for a week."

The three of them stood there taking glances at each other, finding themselves speechless.

The silence gave the principal a chance to continue talking, "You're a very responsible student, Ravn and I understand you want to protect your friends however you could've gotten hurt and you did, along with your two friends. I don't want that to happen again however, if it does come to that, do not hesitate to come to me and I will deal with it appropriately. You are all dismissed. Thank you."

The three were leaving the office when Xion turned around to face the principal, "May I ask who reported this incident?"

"I'm afraid that I can not disclose that information and it was actually requested that they remain anonymous. Is there anything else I can help you three?" The principal said standing as if he was already onto another task.

"No sir." All three said at the same time.

[ Lunch ]

"Who do you think it was?" Keonhee asked, scratching his head.

The whole gang of friends were on the rooftop for their lunch.

"I don't know. Maybe a random classmate in class." Seoho suggested, feeding a piece of tangerine to Keonhee. Keonhee being his silly self bite Seoho as a joke.

"Ya! You wanna die?" Seoho tackled his almost boyfriend to the ground.

"Yeah, maybe it was some random student." Xion said although he had a person in mind which Ravn soon caught on.

Ravn thought for a minute as he watched Hwanwoong's delicate fingers peeling a tangerine for him since his own fingers were hurt from the fight.

"You know who it is?" Ravn asked, taking a piece of tangerine from Hwanwoong, who insisted on feeding him.

"Well I mean maybe." Looking around the rooftop, seeing the regular students who eat their lunches there except one person. "Leedo isn't here." Xion said after a moment, making everyone look around.

"You think Leedo was the one who told the Principal?" Seoho asked.

"No no. I'm not saying it's Leedo but maybe it is. I'm not sure, actually. It could be but I don't want to say anything in case it's not him." Xion nodded, finishing up his rice.

"I didn't see him in class when the fight started so it's probably not him." Ravn suggested.

"True. Yeah then it's probably not him." Xion nodded agreeing but in the back of his mind he wasn't so sure.

As they finished their meal, the bell rang at the perfect timing as they all went to their next class.  

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