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Seoho ran out of the school, scared that Keonhee was going home without speaking to him. He knew he messed up and he wasn't going to let Keonhee go that easily.

"Keonhee, please let me explain." Blocking his way to go home even when Keonhee was trying to dodge him. "I never meant to not tell you or lie to you. I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure myself. I didn't know if I wanted to go or not."

"Well are you?" Keonhee asked, stuffing his hands in his pants pocket.

"I-I don't know. The decision day hasn't come so I'm still deciding. I don't mean to leave you."

"You should." Keonhee said cooly.

"Wait what?" Seoho was shocked Keonhee. 

"It's your only opportunity. You'll regret it if you don't take it. Then I can't watch you be happy and succeed in what you want to do." He said matter-of-factly. 

"Keonhee baby no..." Seoho realized Keonhee wasn't mad because he was going to leave him in Korea but Keonhee didn't want him to miss the opportunity and to support him in pursuing his dream. 

"I'm just telling you what I think. I'll support you with whatever you decide."

"But it would mean a distant relationship. We would be an ocean apart."

"We'll still be together even if it's an ocean away. We won't break up. We'll call every night. You can tell me about the States and I'll still you about Korea." Keonhee smile thinking about the near future.

"Are you really ok with that?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm the one suggesting, aren't I?" Keonhee chuckle, playing with Seoho's cheeks.

Keonhee's words slowly sink in. Seoho rapidly shook his head. "I-I don't think I can do that. Maybe you can but I don't know if I can."

"Seoho, listen to me. Your mom and I would be supporting you and we both would want you to take this opportunity. I'll visit you and you'll visit me during our breaks. We'll talk on the phone as much as you want."

Tears welled up in Seoho's eyes listening to his boyfriend's words of encouragement. "But we'll spend time with each other before I go, right? I'm going to miss you so much Keonhee." Walking himself into his boyfriend's shirt, concealing his tear stained face.

"Seoho, what's wrong with you?" Keonhee teasingly asked. "You still have a couple of months before you have to go. I'll spend every minute with you before you leave. I won't leave your side, ok?" Engulfing his boyfriend in his arms, placing a kiss on top of his head. 

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