"My name Is Evelyn." I hold my hand out and I change the subject. He takes the change and places his hand in mine. "I'm Brody." I realize his hand and chuckle. "I know." This confuses him and he looks at me.

"How?" His confusion grows into curiosity and I have no other choice but to answer. "I've known your family since before you were born." Brody stares at me in disbelief before he just smiles and nods his head. "Cool."

My phone buzzes and I check the screen.

Dad- Where the hell are you?

Dad- We have a meeting in 3 hours.

Dad- Evelyn get your ass home in the next hour we have to discuss the job you took the other day.

I sigh and look at Brody. "Tell Grayson I said thank you for the ride here." I turn and bump into a hard surface. "Tell me yourself." I look up at Grayson's eyes. "Grayson. I thought you were asleep."

"Yeah well, your dress dragging on the floor isn't as quiet as you'd think," Grayson says before looking over my head and starting to talk to Brody. We were extremely close. Closer than I want to be.

I look down at his chest to see his white shirt fitted to his body. His abs were peering through the thin fabric and my breathing gets heavy just standing here. Suddenly, Grayson leans down to my ear and his warm breath sends a shiver down my spine.

"Stop looking at me like that Evelyn...." His voice is low in my ear and when he pulls away we stare at each other. "Brody go get my keys from my room please." Brody and his dog run up the stairs as I and Grayson stay looking at one another.

"Grayson-" I try speaking but he covers my mouth with his hand. "Don't." My eyes flutter and I go to take a step back but Grayson's arm wraps around my waist and pulls me into his body.

"Stop acting naive and ignoring something that you're clearly doing." He leans down to my face and I can't breathe correctly anymore. My chest is rising and falling heavily. "But then again, you said we are only friends." Brody's steps are heard coming back down the stairs and Grayson's hand and arm come off of me.

I clear my throat as Brody's hands, Grayson, the keys. "Bye Brody." That is all I can manage to say as we walk out of the house. Grayson holds my door open and I get in. I sit in the car as Grayson gets in himself in silence.

"Your house right?" He asks and I just nod.

That really just happened... I just had Grayson's arm wrapped around my waist and got pulled into him. I had his hand over my mouth. I can't help but only think of it as a blessing in disguise.

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