Sky Won't Be The Only One With Rage

Start from the beginning

You went to look at the people resting beside the furnace, but then a lightning appeared, followed by a loud thunder. Village people ran to hide from 'Heaven's rage' or whatever they call it. You looked back at your friends (except for mentalist) and knew it was time. And so then you rushed to prepare, because like Senku said, you're not prepared at all and the storm season is already here. "So this lightning will power your plant?" Gen asked, referring to Senku's illogical idea of a Power Plant. "Of course not. But with a good magnet... I can create a Dynamo. If lightning strikes our Iron rod, we can make a high-strength magnet... With the power of science!!" And so it began. The Kingdom of Science in action took even Gen by surprise because y'all could be synchronized and work with the lightning speed at the same time. Your job's to steal one of the planks from bridge and luck was on Agent (Y/n)'s side 'cause only Ginro was keeping an eye on it so it was easy mission. But before you could return back from the bridge a kid shouted: "Oh no Oh no Oh no! The outsider and her friends're destroying the bridge!" And when you looked back there's a big guy standing not even a meter away from you. Everyone else is standing away from the bridge while you're still on it, but just a step away from the ground. You looked up not really daring to make that step back to get the hell out of this not good-looking situation.

Tall, masculine, with weapon and backup, blond-haired guy smirked at your shocked expression. He pushed you hard enough to make you fall backwards and especially making a clear way for himself only, but his backup followed right after. "Idiot," you muttered. The guy stopped in his track and slowly yet terrifyingly enough turned back to you. You flinched while still getting up, so, you haven't noticed the fact that Senku himself, too, looked at you when you said 'idiot'... Guess he is used to you referring to him that way, even though he originally tried strategy for you to call him 'gentleman'. That unfortunately strong guy grabbed you by collar and lifted you up, so you could face him. "Say it into my face," he said calmly, but his eyes spoke 'danger'. You gulped cursing your own mouth for not staying shut like they should have. "Oi~ Dear villagers!" sounded from behind.

And there he was. Once the guy looked behind you he started laughing with other two behind him. You dared to look over your shoulder. Your least favorite mentalist stood there with... Flowers?! "Huh? This smug jerk came to bring us flowers?" one of the backup guy laughed. "You the one who called down heaven's rage? Mwa ha ha! Mighty brave of you, stepping forward to die," their leader grinned. "Haha ha... ha," you laughed, sweat on your forehead. "Nooo, just the opposite. You see, we're actually... Using sorcery to make that mean old lightning vanish," the worst mentalist ever, innocently made up a story. "Yeah? Sounds like a bunch of crap to me..." as expected they didn't believe. "Just like so."

He opened his palms and suddenly the flowers disappeared. The bad guy dropped you on ground and with a thud you met dirt, which is slowly becoming mud because the rain just started. "They really vanished! Right before our eyes!" they shouted while running away. "You good, Writer-chan?" your most favorite mentalist asked, giving you a hand to get up. "Yes,

thank you," you said and grabbed his hand to help you pull you up the rock. You're climbing up The Barren hill, your perfect spot for lightning. And even thou you let him help you and even thanked that still doesn't mean you trust him, of course, you're just polite and as much as Senku tries not to, he still can sense the difference in your behaviour.
"If it's gonna strike, it'll be here!" your scientist exclaimed, when all of you were up there. Immediately you started to unpack stuff you'll be needing, but the time is short. "The lightning's close!" Senku shouted. "Crap! By the time we set up this scaffolding for the lightning rod... It'll be too late!" Chrome started to loose hope. "Tch... If we only had something long to stick into ground..." Kohaku thought out loud looking back at you. And then you both spotted Ginro and... Kinro! You both looked back at each other and nodded. You ran to grab Kinro's spear. He shouted and held his spear as tight as he could. You grabbed the spear, too and you both did a little wrestling until a loud thunder was heard, which took Kinro by surprise and that was your chance. You vertically twisted the spear making his hands to let go of it and then threw it in the air for Kohaku to catch it with her perfect acrobatic skills. Everything else happened really fast so the only thing you remember after was a loud bang and a bright light. "HA ha ha ha! This is insane, Senku. (Y/n), you weren't lying. In this barren Stone world, starting with nothing... You've really done it..." Gen shouted looking up at the sky. Senku laughed, grabbing the rods and looking back at you all. "Electricity is in play! Get excited!!"

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now