After that I went to find Evie. I found her watching Pierre and Max in an interview with a pained expression on her face. They seemed so awkward together and I guess I understood why. When I came up to Evie she put her forehead to my shoulder and shook her head.

"This season is going to be pure hell," She told me and I laughed at her.

"They probably just have to ease into it," I shrugged in an attempt to make her feel better, but from the looks of it I had my doubts.

We left them there and went to find Daniel. It was his homerace, so he was quite popular this weekend. He was happy to see us both there and ordered us both to cheer for him extra loudly this weekend. I told him that I would be cheering from the Ferrari terrace. He looked happier in the new colors after leaving Red Bull.

Carlos had new colors as well, walking around in his orange Mclaren cap. He introduced us to his new teammate, Lando, who I had met earlier due to Charles and him knowing each other a bit. There were a bunch of new faces on the paddock, some of which we recognized from earlier years.

Friday, we go to watch FP1- and 2. I greet Mattia again and Arthur and I go to sit in the box. I guess there are some new colors for me too. For the first practice session, Charles went third quickest and I couldn't help but be happy for him. I was hitting Arthur's arms and pinching him in excitement whenever Charles set a new record. I couldn't stop smiling when he came back to the garage and he came up to me to do our handshake.

The second practice session, he only went ninth fastest and it was clear that it bummed him out. I had to remind him that he had a competitive car that season. He would actually be racing up against Mercedes and Red Bull, not these other midfield teams. He went to change and we went back to the hotel.

Evie and I went with Daniel and Nico around the city. Daniel was going to show his new teammate his old school, where he grew up and things like that and they let us tag along. We got to meet Daniel's parents again. We were also introduced to his sister and his nephew. He showed us his school, the race track where he had practiced as a kid and also where he got beat up for the first time.

Charles qualified in P5 and started in third row on race day. He thought he'd be able to do better since he'd done so well in the practice sessions, but he was happy about being that high, compared to the places he got last season.

Seb's wife and kids were there for the race and I got to sit with one of his daughters in my lap. I kept her entertained when she got bored of the race and it also got the cameras out of my face, because they weren't allowed to film Seb's kids. Ferrari had invited some Australian celebrity to their garage who came up to greet us all in the box. I didn't recognize him but he looked fancy. I put it on my to-do list to tell Mattia to invite Chris Hemsworth next time.

Charles finished in P5 as well, scoring points for his first race with Ferrari and he was happy that he got such a good result. He would get better in time.

After the race we went to the hotel and I prepared to go home to Monaco with Pascale and Charles the day after. His next race was two weeks later and he wanted to get a few days at home and he'd have to practice in the simulator before flying to Bahrain. Evie came over to my room and sat on my bed watching me pack while complaining about the fact that I was going back and hadn't even planned when I'd be going to another race. I tried telling her that I was dancing now and she just scoffed and sighed. There was a knock on the door and I told Evie to not open it and let whoever it was just think that I had gone out. She, of course, didn't listen and opened it for Charles and let him in.

"Could I talk to you?" Charles asked me and I turned to look at Evie who scoffed and sat down on the bed, clearly not going anywhere. I looked back up at Charles who still stared at Evie, waiting for her to leave.

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