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twenty three
Haven Miller

I had taken off on Monday morning due to a doctors appointment. It seemed as if Hoseok didn't wait a second before sending me the money to get on birth control. I couldn't complain much, I was just as impatient as he was. Anxious to actually began our adventure together. It seemed as if everything leading up to this was just a blank filler, filling in the pages we had set for ourselves before we actually started this relationship.

The soft white cashmere sweater covers my arms underneath the fabric of my brown trench coat. I pulled my hair from underneath the collar, fixing it over my shoulders. It was a cold day in Manhattan but what was new? Another week until thanksgiving and I hadn't any plans. My parents always worked on the holiday so we often made up what we missed on Christmas. This year wouldn't be any different.

After fixing myself up I grabbed my purse and cellphone. I closed my curtains, noticing that there wasn't any greeting from Hoseok. That was weird. He was usually standing on his balcony, holding a cigarette between his lips and eyeing my window until I appeared. He would greet me with the warmest smile and tell me to have a good day before disappearing inside of his hotel room. But not today.

I assumed he had a busy day so I wouldn't push the thought of it much.

I decided to actually drive instead of walk. Living in Manhattan made me realize that there wasn't much use in driving. Especially when the traffic was so heavy. But I figured that I would drive today, burn out some of that fuel instead of letting it sit.

My father had gifted me a mustang after I graduated culinary school. It was a gorgeous cherry red. I kept it as clean as possible, and it was never a difficult chore to carry out because I had barely driven it since moving to Manhattan.

It pulls out of my parking spot in the parking garage smoothly. I get on the road and at first I am moving about freely up until I enter traffic. Luckily, the back up was only a few minutes away from the doctors office. So I was able to remain patient.

In the meantime, I took a look out at the city. The sidewalks were filled with nothing but white collards walking to get to their offices. Some normal, everyday pedestrians stood out. Earbuds plugged into their ears as they stared down at their phones, still managing to dodge a collision as they had marched these streets enough to get familiar with every corner.

Somewhere down the line I thought about Marco as well as Dominic. I missed them. I hadn't heard a word back from them since Saturday. I supposed they had been using this weekend to rest up before they returned to work today.

After awhile traffic got a move on. I managed to make it to the doctors office just in time for my appointment. It was a close call, considering the fact that if I had of been late I would have to reschedule.

I shut off my car and slipped off my seatbelt. I then picked up my purse and cellphone before getting out of the car. When I entered the doctors office, the first thing I noticed was the smell of sanitizer and lavender air freshener.

Not many people were present and in a way that gave me some relief. I walked up to the desk where the receptionist sat finishing up a phone conversation. I stood patiently, waiting for her to acknowledge me.

"Yes mam. I'll get right back to you as soon as possible...thank you for your patience. You have a good day."

The woman sighed after hanging up the phone. She then looked in my direction, masking her tired expression with a small smile.

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