"so anxious"

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3rd person

From the moment Hoseok Jung left her apartment, Haven was ready to see him again.

He left a certain ambiance in her home. A certain aura. A particular omen and scent that would help her sleep well that night. He left good vibes. It seemed as if someone had walked throughout her apartment with burning sage and candles, whisking away any negativity inside.

Haven couldn't wait until the next Sunday.

After helping her with her foot, they ate some pie and had conversation for a little while longer before bidding their goodbyes for the night.

She rolled over in bed thinking of the way he looked at her anytime he talked. He was big on eye contact and said it was a respect thing. But he made heaven shy so she could barely look him in the eye most of the time.

It was amazing how they managed to get through the entire night without her feeling embarrassed. Embarrassed for being his biggest fan. Embarrassed for reading his erotic stories. But then again that wasn't necessarily anything to be embarrassed about.

Hoseok didn't even bring it up. He talked to her as if they had known each other for years. As if he were an old friend and they met at a small coffee shop to catch up. It was nice.

Her Sunday was amazing but apparently amazing things can't and don't last forever. Because Monday morning, she was right back to work.

There was a slight sting that effected her foot everytime she took a step. But that was only because she had dropped the knife on her foot after she and Hoseok's little moment against the stove.

Haven didn't let the pain bother her, for it wasn't much. Plus it was just a reminder of how much she enjoyed her weekend. And how Hoseok fucking Jung had gotten so close to her.

She clocked in at work. "Hey Flo." She sang, happy with her morning and greeting as she waltzed past her co worker.

"Good morning Haven. You love happy." Flo laughed, turning her head to watch haven enter the back room.

"That's because I am." Haven pointed out before entering the back room.

There was this light feeling under her. Similar to the feeling of walking on air if she even knew what that felt like. It was amazing. It was this stress relieving feeling that she loved every bit of.

Haven opened up her little locker where her things would be placed. She took off her shoulder bag and placed it inside. She went to take off her jacket, but was startled once someone slammed her locked shut and placed their hand over the little metal door.

Haven's eyes widened. She flinched and looked to the side. It was Marco standing there with his eyebrows quirked and haven just knew he had some words for her.

"Good morning—"

"Bitch don't good morning me. What happened to messaging me the details?! Had me up waiting all morning to find out if you would get the meat or not."

Haven placed her hand over his mouth. "Shhh!" She shushed his aggressively. Marco frowned and placed his hand on her wrist, pulling her over in a corner away from their fellow chefs who were all starting to watch in confusion.

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