"guy talk"

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3rd person

Hoseok had always hated bars.

Okay, he loved drinking. But he was absolutely repulsed by the site of bars. By the thought of sitting on a raggedy old bar stood drowning his liver with gin. Why do it there when you could sit at home and do the same thing? It was like making yourself vulnerable for others to see. Hoseok didn't fuck with it.

Tonight, however, his opinion towards bars did not matter. Namjoon made it pretty clear that he wanted Hoseok to step out of the suite and spend some time with he and Seokjin.

Seokjin was a great friend of Hoseok's. They went a few years back. He was a family friend and had always been supportive of Hoseok's work - no matter how weird it was (in his own opinion of course). Seokjin worked for a tech company. He was currently on a small break and had decided to drop by in Manhattan and see one of his closest friends. Communicating through Namjoon to schedule the meet up wasn't easy but they made it happen. And finally they were here.

Hoseok was found of his elder but he did not want to step out of his suite. He had a lot to think about and this was taking away from his alone time. He considered doing some reading, maybe some writing. He wanted to contact Haven because it seemed as if she hadn't been reaching out these past few days. However, none of that could be done. All because Namjoon wanted to fucking drink his life away in a bar.

"Another round please." Namjoon holds up his empty shot glass, lousy smile on his pink lips as his dimples poke out effortlessly. His eyes in slits and first three buttons to his wrinkles dress shirt undone. Two shots in and he was a train wreck.

"This guy, huh?" Seokjin chuckled, jutting his thumb out in the direction of Namjoon as he looked at Hoseok.

Hoseok gave a tight lipped smile, eyes cutting over to his manager who was still holding up the empty shot glass. God, this was ridiculous. The sober Namjoon would be cringing in a corner right now.

"Waitress?" Namjoon perks, looking around for a server. Perhaps she had began to avoid this table after realizing how much of a lightweight Namjoon was. Whatever the case may be, Hoseok didn't want anymore to drink.

"You're being awfully quiet." Seokjin mentioned. Hoseok shook his head.

"It's...nothing." He responded vaguely. Seokjin snorted before picking up his glass of bourbon. His lips curl around the rim as he takes a sip of the bronze colored liquid.

"I've known you for about 6 years. We barely see each other but I know how you operate." Seokjin hissed as the burn slithered down his throat. "What's going on Jung?"

Hoseok looks up to see Seokjin really wasn't letting this go. The author couldn't even begin to put into words how he felt at the moment. Confused, cornered, overwhelmed ... stressed.

Min-Jae had fucked him up and now he had to bring all of the mess he left back at home to Manhattan. Divorce lawyers, court, ex affairs. Fuck if he didn't need a break.


"Min-Jae keeps calling." Namjoon slurred. Hoseok kissed his teeth and looked over at the manager who was beginning to resemble a sleeze.

Namjoon leaned back in his chair and limply dangled the shot glass in the air.

"A-anotherrrr please!"

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