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3rd person

Haven hummed to herself as she pushed the basket down the grocery store aisle, keeping an eye out for the main spice she planned on adding to the Sunday's dinner she and hoseok would be having. She had to admit, it was fun thinking of dishes to prepare for him. After he asmitted to enjoying her cooking she couldn't help but to explore different recipes that would guarantee to make his tastebuds explode.

"Cinnamon...brown sugar..." haven mumbled, stopping right in the center as she tapped her chin and went into deep thought for a moment. It took a few seconds before the light suddenly fell upon her and she could remember.

"Paprika!" She shouted in a breathless tone, reaching to grab the spice.

She needed cinnamon and brown sugar because she planned on making cinnamon rolls for a dessert. It was typically a breakfast dish but haven didn't pay any mind to that.

"Guess I'm ready to check out." She sighed. She took the stroll up to the cash registers. It was a cold Saturday evening. She had just gotten off from work and decided to make a trip to the market before going home.

"Will that be all for you mam?" The cashier asking. Haven nodded.

"Yes." She said. She watched as the cashier rang up her items, drumming her fingers against her thigh as she waited for the total to pop up on the screen. She was investing a lot of money into these ingredients but she didn't mind. She knew it would all be worth it in the end, seeing hoseok finish off his meal with a satisfied grin and a full stomach.

"Alright, your total is $62.79. Will you be using cash or card?"

"Card." Haven responded. She took out her wallet and gave her card to the cashier before placing the bags in her basket quickly. Once the money was taken off her card and her receipt was printed, the cashier gave it back to her.

"You have a nice day." He said.

"Same to you." Haven chimed kindly before pushing her way towards the exit.

The cold air hits her on the way out. As she leaves, people go inside of the market. She stopped for a second to put on her gloves before blowing out a deep breath and walking towards her car with the basket. Traffic was heavy but she decided to drive, knowing that she couldn't carry all of these bags the distance to her apartment.

After boarding all of her bags inside she pushed the basket into a slot with the others before getting in the car. Haven only drove when it was necessary. With everything being so close in the city, she barely seen any reasoning in driving everywhere. But she still had a car that she used atleast three times a week. Because of the grocery shopping, mostly.

She backed out of the driving space. Alert and looking around at her surroundings as she hopped on the main road. Her mind instantly flooding with thoughts of hoseok.

After what happened on Sunday, she knew it would be a little awkward. Despite him making it clear that he wanted to try this with her and enjoy the fun that was more than likely to come - haven couldn't help but feel weird about it.

She wouldn't back out. She had longed for this and it was like a dream come true for any fan of Hoseok.

Her phone started to ring from the cup holder. Haven picked up the bush device without even looking at the caller ID before answering, eyes glued to the road.

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