Pt 9. He is Broken

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*1 year After Bucky Escaped*
"Steve stop being a girl, finish Packing your bags we are leaving in 10 mintues with or Without you." Natasha calls teasingly up the stairs knowing Steve is too excited to Miss Buckys release from Wakanda.
"Im working in it Natasha. Just fixing up his room."
Maria laughs with Natasha. "Steve his room is fine just get down here."
She calls.
Steve runs the stairs happy as a kid in christmas morning.
"Slow down Stevie Hes not going anywhere."
"Maria.. Maria..Maria Can we please hurry."
"Hurry? Your the one being slow."
"Wanda and Peitro are comming too, Tony said something about them not getting out enough."
"We get out plenty." Wanda says appearing behind Natasha.
"Can we just go?" Steve says bouncing.
"Your like a child, go get in the Jet." Maria says pointing.
Steve speed walks off
"Tony are you clint and Rhodey comming?" Natasha says walking after Steve.
"No Fury said he had a mission for Us so we are stuck here."

Natasha ruffles tony's hair playfully, "have fun with that, Dont get kiled We should be back in a week." Steve picks her up sighing that she is taking so long to get in the jet. "Oh my GOD Steve Chill out, would you please hes not going anywhere."

"Natasha how would you feel if it was your best freind Huh?"
"Like a toddler excited about a new puppy. Which is exactly the way you are acting right now. Hes not a puppy steve and you are not a toddler, your a full grown man act like it ."
Steve rolls his eyes sitting Natasha down on the Quinjet, impatiently pacing the floor the whole 4 hours to Wakanda, practacally running from th jet when it opens.
Tachalla smiles "Captain, it has been a long time," he shakes Steve's outstretched hand.
Steve's eyes light up looking around for Bucky, "good to see you to Your Majesty. Where's Bucky?"
TChalla's smile falter slightly, "Today is susposed to be his release isn't it?'
Steve hears the slight change in his heartrate, "Its not like you to forget something like that, What's wrong, did something happen to Bucky?"
"Not that i am aware of I haven't seen him in weeks."

Maria, Natasha Wanda and Pietro join them, Steve glances at the twins, "Wanda Pietro why dont you two go tour the city for awhile, have some fun." They share identical grins before walking off, "And dont steal aything Pietro." Natasha calls after him, Pietro turns mock offended, "I would never."
"Uh huh Like i believe that sentance. Behave." Natasha turns back, "Whats going on?"

"I was just explaining to CAptain Rogers, that i hadnt seen James in a while."
Maria grabs Steves hand to comfort him, his hand squeezes her small hand lightly. "Well where is he?"
"He has a house out by a lake about ten miles from here, Ayo will take you there if you wish."
" As soon as possible."
Ayo motions for them to get in a car, "Then let us not dally, I have work to do."
They get in the car with Steve in the front seat, "Have you seen Bucky?"
"i Have."
Steves shoulder relax at the words, "How is he? I mean is he ok?"
Ayo looks at Steve, thinking of Bucky's heartbroken demenor and constant drinking, "He is broken."
"Broken whats that susposed to mean?" Maria Says leaning worridly into the front seat.
Ayo looks at Natasha in the mirror ad Steve and Maria, " You will see. We have done our best to comfort him, remove the mindcontrol, let him help around to be useful, but its like he has no heart, no purpose any more. The only peron he will listen to is Okoye."
Steve stares out the window in silence watching for even the slightest glimpse of Bucky, as ayo pulls the car down a narrow driveway in the wooods parking. " We are here." She gets out walking to the door. Steve stares the small house "He lives here?"
She knocks on the door, repeatdly "James are you in there?...."
AYo opens the door walking in as they take in the spotless bedroom, with a tiny bed on the floor and empty alchol bottles stuffing a trash bin, a kid about 6 years old runs in grabbing Ayos leg. " Where is James child?" Shes asks in Wakandan,the boy stares up at her happily smiling, "James at the lake he sit allll day." "Go home to your mother now." The boy runs off, "Hes at the lake, about half a mile from here."

 Winters Bite; Bucky Barnes x readerWhere stories live. Discover now