End of flashback

Morrigan Brooks

I WOKE with a start, my head whipping in every direction to see where the threat was but there was seemingly nothing. Warily, I pulled the covers off of my body and went to open the curtains but they were already wide open. 4.27 am. That was probably why it was dark. 

There was an eery aura in the air, but I brushed it off as too many witches doing magic on my brain, even though that made little sense. 

I made my way downstairs after about half an hour of tossing and turning in search of a blood bag. If I couldn't sleep, I would watch trash TV. 

I opened my fridge and made a mental note to restock it since I took out my last one. 

Fully intending to turn on something along the lines of the Bachelorette or another one of those dating shows, my TV turned on my itself.

That's new. 

What was also new, was the news. I never watched anything like that just because I found it boring, but maybe it some how defaulted to that. 

My eyes dart around the room to find the remote, but as soon as I set eyes on it, it vanished into dust.

"Hello pearl," I hear from behind me. I moved my body so fast, faster than I ever had before to see the face I least wanted to, but before I could, everything melted away as if it were nothing. 

I SWEAR Damon needs help with the most menial tasks. This morning, he wanted me to help interrogate this poor doctor who Alaric liked, though she turned out to be kind of a bitch, since she vervained Damon and me to take our blood, not that the plant kept either of us down for long.

Other than my dream about... him, it was a relatively normal day.

Damon seemed like he trusted me less than he used to and I assumed that the originals had something to do with that.

And I didn't help much since as soon as Damon got a text from Bonnie, telling him to 'move the coffins' I beat him to it without him even knowing we were racing because I knew I could undagger Elijah since Klaus said I could.

Not that I would let that asshole boss me around, but his wrath is definitely a force to be reckoned with. 

So that's where I was now. I was sitting on a table that was next to Elijah's coffin with the dagger in my hand, bored out of my mind.

What could he possibly have to do other than wake up?

I also had to be wary of Klaus coming back, but not because I think he would go back on what he said, but because he'd probably say something like 'give me some breathing room before waking them' or something in his usual manner.

The front door opened, but they weren't Klaus' footsteps. They were-

"What are you doing here?" Damon asks.

"I need an explanation," I say flatly. It wasn't a lie, though it wasn't the whole truth.

I didn't know why, but for some reason, I missed Elijah. It was weird. I knew the guy for what? A week? And I missed him.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now