𐌵𐌕O𐌐𐌉𐌀 III

970 35 65

Iceland, Vik 1998

3rd Person POV

The ginger-haired narcissist walked on the snowy pathway which led to a small cabin.

Matt shivered intensely despite him having his warmest of coats on.

Matt carried a large suitcase which was cumbersome.

Once Matt reached the cabin door he knocked on it hard, still shivering.

The door opened and Matt told the man at the door, "It's freezing, can I come in?"

"Do you have what we need?" The man asked.

Matt nodded his head and the man let him in.

"Where is it?" The man asked.

Matt slammed down the suitcase harshly on the table.

"Open it," The man demanded.

Matt unlocked the suitcase and opened it.

In the suitcase were 3 small cans of gas.

"What is this?" The man asked.

"The samples of Aipotu 42, just as you asked," Matt said.

The man inspected it.

"Aipotu 42 is a poison," The man stated. "Do these cans contain the poison?"

"They do, but it's not the liquid, it's a gas," Matt said.

"When Tord gave me the sample, he wouldn't stop ranting about it."

"He explained how it could be converted into a gas if it is operated on quickly."

"And you converted it into gas?" The man asked.

"Me?" Matt asked. "No, no, no, this poison is capable of killing eighteen men with just one dose, I would never even TRY to do that."

"Then how is it a gas right now?" The man asked.

"I got one of the scientists down at Keywork to convert it," Matt explained.

The man nodded his head.

"And as promised, your family will be let go," The man said.



"You can leave now," The man said.

1 a week after the last chapter

"You know this is your fault, right?" Tord asked as he wrapped bandages around my arms.

"No, it not," I growled.

"Yes, it is," Tord insisted as he started to wrap bandages around my legs.

"Yeah? How's that?" I asked.

"Well, if you didn't try to hide Apollo's Notebook, I wouldn't have had to discipline you," Tord said.

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