War Norsworthy: V

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Edd's POV

"My name is Jessika Härt," The lady said.

"Purple Leader sent you to come and get Apollo's notebook, right?" Jessika asked.

Jessika had a strong Norwegian accent.



"Well, I can't give it to you..." Jessika said.

I was confused.

"What, why not?" I asked.

"If I give this to you, my brother will find a way to take it from you before you leave this building tonight," Jessika said.

"Your brother?" I asked. "Who's your brother?"

"Red Leader," Jessika claimed.

"I'm on the Purple Leader's side, Edd," Jessika said. "I cannot let Tord lay a finger on this notebook."

"If you're on Purple Leader's side then give me Apollo's notebook, he's the one who told me to come over here and get it from you," I explained.

"I know, but if I give it to you, Tord will get his hands on it right before you leave the building," Jessika claimed.

"And why do you think that?" I asked impatiently.

"Someone notified security that you were here, security is looking for you, and they will find you," Jessika explained. "They'll search you, find the notebook, and then kill you."

"Now we don't want that do we?" Jessika asked.

"Fine. But Purple Leader needs that notebook, he said he would meet me in the back of the building," I explained. "How about I leave and then you leave and meet us in the back, so then you can give Purple Leader the notebook yourself?"


"Sounds good..." Jessika said.

"So you leave and then I'll meet you and Purple Leader in the back of the building where he'll get the notebook."

"Sounds good-" I said before being interrupted by someone yelling.


I looked to the left and see Tord, Tom, and three other armed Red Soldiers marching toward us.

But Tom...

He looked... Different.

He was suited up and wore visor goggles over his 'eyes'.

"Come with me!" Jessika said as she quickly started to sprint off into a random room next to the restroom.

But I couldn't react fast enough.

Jessika had already run into the room and slammed the door shut.

I tried to open the door as Tord and his soldiers marched over here but Jessika locked the door.

"Jessika, open the door!" I exclaimed.

But Jessika didn't open the door or respond.

Tord, Tom, and the three Red Soldiers reached me.

Tord grabbed me by the neck using his robotic arm and held me high in the air, "You have Apollo's notebook!

"N-no, I don't!" I said trying to grasp for air.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" Tord shouted, his grip becoming tighter.

"Jessika! P-please!" I yelled, trying to get Jessika to come out.

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