War Norsworthy: I

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Sorry if new chapters are slow, influenza FUCKS people over.

Tom's POV

"What will happen with Pat?" I asked.

Tord hugged me tighter, "I-I'm not sure..."

That's when we heard knocking at his door once again.

"Do you want me to answer that?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Tord said, his accent thickened.

It seemed like whenever Tord was emotional his accent would become stronger.

I got up and answered the door for Tord.

Pat stood in the hallway again.

This scenario played out before.

"Where's Tord?" Pat asked in a very irritated voice.

I turned around, "Tord... It's for you."

Tord got up and walked to the door, "Yes, Pat?"

"I'm leaving, Tord," Pat said, "My contract with being a Red Soldier expired two weeks ago, and you didn't tell me."

"You're leaving?" Tord asked.

"I'm fucking resigning, Tord" Pat said.

"What? You can't resign, you're one of my best men!" Tord said.

"Yeah? Well, Pau was one of your best men too but you just let him DIE!" Pat cried.

"Goodbye, Tord," Pat said, "Expect me gone by tomorrow."

Pat stormed off back into the elevator and left.

Tord closed the door and couldn't hold it in anymore.

Tord started crying and hugged me for support.

"I just lost two of my best men, Tom, please don't leave me too!" Tord cried.

"Hey, I won't leave you, I never will," I reassured Tord, "And even if your plan for Utopia fails, I'll always be your little idiot."

Tord laughed a little bit, "You're not an idiot, Tom."

"I'm your idiot!" I said playfully.

Tord laughed even more.

It was always good to see him in a good mood, even if it was for a second.

"You know, Tom? I feel so safe in your arms," Tord claimed.

I looked at him with a smile, "You do?"

Tord nodded his head.

"How about we get some sleep?" I asked.

"That sounds good," Tord replied.

We both cuddled together in bed and Tord fell asleep fast.

He said he felt safe in my arms, but really, I felt safe in his.

I started to doze off and eventually fell asleep.

But something bothered me while trying to sleep.

A feeling.

Like something was going on...


Pat's POV

This ignorant son of a bitch Scotland calls 'Purple Leader' asked me if I wanted to join his shitty fucking army?

Well, I really didn't feel like getting berated and belittled by another army again.

And this bitch really had the fucking nerve to ask me to join his army when he had just slaughtered the only person I had left in front of my eyes?

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