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Button House★★★★★ 3

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Button House
★★★★★ 3.5/5 stars

User1: Lovely place, good food, customer service could be better conversationally

MrsStylinson: Gorgeous setting, beautiful rooms, but someone got attacked there so wouldn't recommend

Purplesheepnugget: Felt unsafe, there was a loose crack addict running around

"Loose crack addict? Oh come on, coming from someone called purplesheepnugget! That doesn't even make sense," Mike spoke irritated, rolling his eyes at the reviews Button House had received. He tossed his phone onto the table as he leant back into his chair.

"Well people understand that it's a great place to go to aesthetically, don't know what they mean about 'conversationally' though," Alison said, continuing to scroll.

Violet watched the faces of the couple twist in every sort of direction before speaking up.

"I'm so sorry guys," she began.

Alison and Mike paused their sighing and scrolling momentarily to listen.

"If it wasn't for me, that woman wouldn't have turned up and ruined everything," Violet said.

"Look, Vi, it's fine it wasn't your fault," Mike reassured her.

"Yeah, we clearly had other areas to work in as well, so don't stress too much, please," Alison said, thinking back on User1's review.

"I don't know, guys, I-"

"It was out of your control. You didn't know it was gonna happen. Ok?" Mike pointed out.

Violet nodded, keeping quiet.

"We can turn this around, I'm sure we can," Alison thought hopefully.


"So let me get this straight, the way to redeem ourselves and show off this magnificent house, which, let me remind you could host very high end events, is a speed dating event for the elderly lonely hearts association?" Mike questioned, staring at the brightly coloured flyers in front of him.

"I do not see any sort of problem in a little bit of romance," Thomas said over Alison's shoulder.

"There is no problem in a little bit of romance," Alison began, repeating Thomas' words, "and plus it's sweet, they're old, Mike, they just want to find someone to spend time with."

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