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Woman, 37, attacked in council estate flat

A woman broke into her neighbour's flat and told her "you'll pay the consequences for not giving them to me on time".

April Goodall, 38, had broken into 37 year old Kelly Jenkins' flat early Tuesday afternoon, where she preceded to threaten and then attack her neighbour.

She held Miss Jenkins by the throat and demanded "give me my f*cking supply or you'll pay the consequences for not giving them to me on time!"

Jenkins reported that after she was threatened, Goodall punched her in the stomach and threw her against the wall. She said that she was in too much pain to stand up and stop Goodall from taking her money, "to get more drugs" Jenkins claims.

Police were called by another neighbour on the estate that heard the commotion happening.

As of yet we do not know of what has exactly happened to Goodall, but she is now in police custody.

Jenkins continues to protect her image by ensuring she has never touched a drug in her life.

Police are investigating this.

Lily Tamper, 9:53am 23/04/2022

Violet was in shock. She didn't know what she was expecting to read when casually scrolling on her phone, but it certainly wasn't this.

She drops the device to the left of her in her bed and stared up at the ceiling hoping to get a sign, or something, just any indication of where to go from this moment.

It wasn't the most bizarre thing to hear about her mum, she was well aware of the toxic relationship she had with addiction. It was more the violence. April Goodall was no role model, but as far as Violet was aware, she had never gone out of her way to attack people.

Even just thinking about her mum was bringing Violet back to her childhood - a place of confusion, misery, fear perhaps...
The woman she had just read about in the article was someone she had tried to forget about, for her own sanity.

It was a blessing for Violet to have escaped the manipulative ways of April, yet here she was being sucked right back in.

No matter the distance, she always had a hold on her. And so, Violet had to delve deeper.

She grabs her laptop, hoping to look into the article in further detail. Pulling up the same website, she rereads it again and again.


Kelly Jenkins

Why was that name familiar?

Thinking back on her time living in Red Tree Estate, Violet was sure this was a name she had come across before. And who better to ask, than the boy she had once confided in.

Regretfully, Violet rings the police department.
"Hi, sorry, yes, I was wondering if I could come and visit someone?"


Julian was wandering around Button House, snooping around as usual, trying to get any dirt on the other residents. It was in his nature to do so, after all, his own reputation had been tarnished so far that if he found the wrongdoings of someone else, it would make him feel better about himself.

As of yet, he had seen nothing suspicious. Kitty was frolicking as per usual, Lady Button was constantly inspecting the house and Mary was observing Alison cooking in the kitchen. Robin had ran after something he had spotted outside, the Captain was patrolling the grounds and Pat was attempting to get Thomas to write a poem about gravy.

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