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"And how many rooms do you have?" the wedding planner Martin was round, inspecting the house and noting down it's best qualities for his client.

"Well, I think there's, like..."

"Interesting space. Sort of... rustic. Colonial! Quite a niche market, wedding wise." as they walked through the house, the man continued to describe different parts of it, although after hearing the words 'niche market', Mike and Alison shared a slightly deflated look.

"Can I be honest with you..."

Mike and Alison awaited the bad news that they had yet again been rejected by another wedding planner.

"I don't like it,"

Ah there it is.


Oh, that's a new development. Alison let out a surprised breath with a joyful smile on her face and Mike had his jaw dropped in shock.

"It is a little shabby around the edges but with a bit of zhooshing up, this could really suit the right couple," Martin informed them, one hand holding onto his folders and the other waving about as he spoke.

"And do you happen to have any clients who are interested... like," Alison tested the waters, not wanting to put herself out there too much to the point she was drowning.

"Soon?" the couple asked in unison, sharing a look with each other.

"There is one, Clare. I'm showing her around some other places today, she wants to book A.S.A.P. I think this could totally work for them." And with that Mike and Alison knew they couldn't let this opportunity slip. They followed the eccentric man as he verbally ticked off the standout items in the room.

"Kitchen - tick! Perfectly placed," he finally said as their tour brought them to the other end of the house.

Then, Violet walks out the kitchen with a tray of teas and coffees and some biscuits. She had been a busy bee this morning, spending almost 2 hours working hard to help Alison and Mike impress the wedding planner, hence the spot of flour on the top of her nose.

"Oh hi there," she began awkwardly, "any tea, coffee, biscuits?"

"Oh no, not to worry dear," Martin kindly dismissed her as he continued to talk Mike and Alison through with his plans. Violets shoulders visibly sank in disappointment.

"Save some for me," Mike quickly turned around and whispered, Violet nodding at him to show she had heard.

She trails back into the kitchen looking at the trays of biscuits covering the majority of the table.

"To be fair, I probably did go a bit overboard," she muttered to herself, grabbing a biscuit off of the tray and eating it.

"And they actually taste good! Martin's missing out."

She quickly dusted off her hands and joined the others outside, this could not be good. This part of the garden was still overgrown, even since the first time Violet arrived, there had been no change.

"Guys, you've got to get it wedding ready! If Clare is going to come round this afternoon and you don't want to lose a client..." Martin instructed them, tapping on his folder as he spoke to emphasise each word.

"We'll clear it." Alison boldly stated.

"We will?" Mike and Violet asked unsurely.

"Is what I wanted to hear!" Martin happily replied.

Nervous laughs came out from the trio.

"Let's make this happen. I'll delay Clare for as long as I can. Say... 4 o'clock?" Martin proposed, now standing closer to the couple in preparation to seel the deal.

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