We all get dressed in jackets, boots, hats, gloves and scarves before taking a walk. It's only afternoon but it's already dark out, which Pierre and Evie struggle to understand just as Charles and Arthur struggled to understand it the first few days. They also struggled with the cold, even though I warned them before they came. Our noses and cheeks quickly became red from the cold and our toes were freezing until they warmed up from walking.

I showed them the school I had gone to. I showed them where me and Arthur had met my classmate while being drunk off our asses. I showed them where I went on my first date with a Swedish guy and all of them except Arthur cursed me out for not telling them about it. Well, Pierre curses at me for not telling Evie, because I was in no obligation to tell him before. I laughed at them and shook my head as I told them there was nothing worth telling, he was a horrible kisser. I showed them the lake where we usually go swimming in the summer and I promised them to take them back in the summer so we can swim there. I also showed them my favorite summer places even though they lost their charm in the winter.

We stopped by a gas station on the way home to buy some snacks. All the grocery stores closed early because of the holidays, except for the 24/7 hour gas stations. We walk in and start to pick out the things we want. We laugh at each other as the bright light hits our faces and we see that we're as red as it gets, especially our noses.

"Céline?" I hear a male voice with a horribly Swedish pronunciation of my name. I turn and see a blonde guy with a middle part, all the guys in Sweden have middle parts, standing behind the counter, and I recognize him immediately. Vincent looked unsure if it was me but immediately smiled when I turned to see him.

"Vincent, Hej!" I tell him and walk over with a smile.

"Jag hörde att du flyttade tillbaka till Monaco direkt efter studenten," I heard you moved back to Monaco immediately after graduation, he tells me. We weren't in the same class but we studied the same program and therefore had some classes together. He was really nice and we managed to score an A on the group assignment we did together.

"Ja, mina föräldrar bor kvar dock, vi är hemma och firar jul," Yes, my parents still live here though, we're home for Christmas, I explain and he nods, looking at the others I just walked in with. When he found out about my brother and my close bond with one of the current drivers, he admitted that he used to watch some Formula 1 during the weekends. He never treated me any differently though, never asked me to get him something or anything .

"Pluggar du?" Do you study? He asks, and I know he's only asking because he'd feel guilty to ask anything about the others. So I shake my head.

"Nej, jag åker runt på Charles och Arthurs race just nu. Jag jobbar ibland när jag är hemma i Monaco, jag ska väl plugga sen dock," No, I travel around to Charles and Arthur's races right now. I work some when I'm home, but I'll get to studying eventually, I shrug before asking him the same. Before he asks, I yell for Charles to bring me a pipe of Pringles and a soda.

"Jag börjar i höst, behövde en paus," I start in the fall, I needed a break, he chuckles and I really see him struggle to keep the fanboy in him from asking me a bunch of questions. When Evie comes up I notice that he recognizes her immediately. She looks at Vincent before handing him the stuff in her hands for him to scan.

"Evie, här är Vincent, vi gick i skolan tillsammans," Evie, this is Vincent, we went to school together, I tell her and she smiles and takes off her glove to shake his hand. They nod and smile at each other.

"Är du killen hon gick på dejt med som var dålig på att kyssas?" Are you the guy she went on a date with that was bad at kissing, She asks and I immediately hit her shoulder as I laugh at her. Vincent looks shocked, probably from both the question and her even knowing Swedish. I tell her that it wasn't him and she nods.

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