He scanned the room mindlessly and then set his eyes back on me. He glanced at me from head to toe, and upon seeing no anomalies, his expression changed. Now, he had a calm expression.

"Oh... Umm... I apologize for entering without notice. Su-jin was uneasy, and well...me too. We heard a strange sound and thought that you fell... I got worried...is everything okay?"

My eyes moistened. A million thoughts appeared in my mind just at the sight of that beautiful face looking at me. A type of pain pierced my chest. I wanted to cry so badly, and I didn't know for what reason to begin with. "Ah- yeah... I came here for something, but I kicked something else by accident. I'm very clumsy... I'm guessing you already know that..." I mumbled the last part to myself. I'm really bad at lying, and I know I can give myself away by avoiding making eye contact or looking at the floor instead of the face.

I'm very obvious.

No words nor sounds came from any of them.

Jisung's robes began rustling, making a cold gust brush the front of my hair. Slight footsteps were heard afterward.

I was not mentally prepared to look at him. Not after what we talked about and the conversation I had with my uncle and all those connections he has with Jinsu. I had a mix of emotions. All at once.


He took my arm and turned me around.

I made eye contact with him, but I couldn't hold it any longer. I couldn't stand it. Those beautiful eyes full of grief made me feel terrible.

I lowered my gaze, "yes?"

"I got distracted with your baby...I'm sorry. I didn't notice you were having a bad time. You came here to cry...right?" He asked as he reached his hand to touch my right cheek with a little bit of pity. "My story affected you somehow...right?"

Before he could wipe one of my tears, I directed to Su-jin and smiled since this one was about to pout and soon after cry along with me. I know him.

"Tuti is fine, Su-jin-ah... Don't look at me with that cute pout... Isn't it time to eat...? Yes, right?~ Come. I'll give you some food..."

I took Su-jin in my arms and kissed him on the right cheek repeatedly, so my face could be hidden there.

The raffle of kisses made Su-jin laugh. He always giggles whenever I kiss him in this way.

Jisung's stare was set on me the whole time. I could feel it, but he didn't say anything, and I didn't dare to look at him.

Before things turned awkward, I moved forward pointing to the door, "would you mind accompanying me to the kitchen...? I need to feed Su-jin... We can talk afterward..."

He followed me without saying anything. The fact that he followed me was enough to tell me that he understood what I was doing. I didn't want Su-jin to feel bad because of me.

Also, I wanted to take Jisung out of the painting room. I didn't want him to see that painting and figure out that somehow Su-jin could be his or not without me knowing what really happened with my cousin Jinsu.

When we arrived at the kitchen, Jisung offered himself to look for the food I had in the fridge, but Su-jin wanted to be held by him.

My baby whined and struggled in my arms. "Ji-dada—"

Jisung chuckled but didn't move even when Su-jin was stretching his arms towards him. He seemed to be waiting for some sort of permission from me.

"Well...you should take Su-jin..." I suggested with a soft smile, "he wants to be held by you..."

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