"We will increase patrols around the school ground and review security measures within the school," Nezu answered. "The safety of UA's students is our first priority."

Shigaraki turned off the tv and looked back at Yuna and Bakugo, "Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well. So much criticism. But everyone makes a few mistakes, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Modern-day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think?"

"Once a hero receives payment to protect people, they aren't a real hero anymore," Spinner said from his spot against the wall. "That's what Stain's actions taught us."

"A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory. And since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone who's deemed a loser is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions." Shigaraki continued. "What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon, everyone will be asking. That's when we'll know we've won."

"And when that happens, anyone who's ever looked down on us will pay for thinking we were worthless," Miori added, glancing at Yuna. "They'll regret tossing us aside when their whole world begins to crumble."

"Exactly," Shigaraki agreed. Then he glanced at Dabi, "Dabi, untie him."

Dabi gave Shigaraki a surprised look, "You know he'll just attack us."

"It's fine, we're recurring him, so we should treat him as an equal," Shigaraki replied. "Besides, the girl has been sitting there unrestrained and hasn't done anything. And they're smart enough to know they can't take us all, right? After all, UA students are so clever."

"Hey, Twice, you do it," Dabi said.

"Sure thing!" Twice exclaimed, then added in an opposite tone, "No way."

"Do it."

"Aw man," Twice complained.

"I do apologize for such forceful methods, but please understand that we aren't just some kind of unruly mob without a third act in mind. We didn't kidnap you by accident." Mr. Compress said as Yuna's senses went into overdrive as she watched Twice release Bakugo. 

"Even though our backgrounds are different, everyone here has suffered," Shigaraki said as he stood up and took a few steps toward Bakugo. "All because of people, rules, and heroes who try to hold us back. I'm sure you're the same."

Bakugo glanced over at Yuna and the moment they made eye contact they immediately knew what to do. Bakugo kneed Twice in the face and ran at Shigaraki, making an explosion in his face. At the same time, Yuna drew the Leo constellation, and the lion pounced on Miori, knocking her out of her chair and pinning her to the ground.

Yuna raised her hand to summon another constellation as Bakugo spoke, "I'm done listening to your endless talking. Can you get to the point, or do you just like the sound of your own voice? Basically what you're saying is that you wanna cause some trouble and you want me to join you. Well, screw you." Bakugo growled, before he briefly turned to Miori, who was stuck under the constellation lion, "And you want Azumi to join because you're related to her in some way or something."

"I'll explain that later," Yuna said with a slightly shaky voice.

Bakugo grunted and turned back to the Shigaraki and the other villains, "No matter what you have to offer me, I wanna win like All Might. And that will never change. Do you understand? I'll never join you League of Losers! We may not be at camp, but I'm still allowed to fight!"

"He's figured out he's important to us," Mange said, "What a clever boy."

"No, he's a fool," Dabi replied.

"Let me stab him," Toga said with an insane smile.

"A clever performer would've acted like we were winning him over. Or at least stayed quiet like the girl." Mr. Compress stated. "Now that he's broken character, he's finished."

"I only do whatever I want to and I won't even pretend otherwise. And Azumi can do whatever she wants as long as she fights with me." Bakugo said. "I'm tired of being surrounded by a bunch of lame-ass wannabes."

"Father," Shigaraki growled, something about him seemed to become darker since the hand on his face had been knocked off and it put Yuna more on edge than she had been before.

"No Tomura Shigaraki, be calm!" Kurogiri shouted as Shigaraki raised his hand.

Yuna tensed and was about to summon the shield constellation to block Bakugo from being hit by Shigaraki's quirk, but then he spoke, "Don't lay a figure on him, any of you." He reached down and picked up the hand on the floor and put it back on his face. "This hero is still a valuable piece. I wish you would've listened to what I had to say. I thought you and I could come to an understanding."

"What? You think we're the same?" Bakugo questioned. "Not a chance."

"Then I have no choice. The heroes said they'd continue their investigation of our group, so we don't have time to stand here and talk." Shigaraki replied, then he turned back and spoke to the tv behind them. "Master, lend me your power."

"That is a wise decision, Tomura Shigaraki," A voice spoke from behind the screen that only had the words 'voice only' on it. Yuna hadn't even realized someone was listening in on their conversation and the voice she heard gave her chills.

"A master? I thought you were the boss around here," Bakugo said, "but you're just a sidekick."

"Kurogiri, Compress, put him back to sleep," Shigaraki ordered. "Solis, get up and deal with your niece."

Mr. Comrpess sighed, "I can't believe they're such a terrible audience. It's almost impressive."

"If you want us to listen, then get on your knees and beg," Bakugo yelled. Yuna glanced at him and finally realized something. He's stalling. Or at least trying to act more confident than he is. He can't use maximum firepower with me here and Kurogiri would probably be able to block it. And I'm not sure if I can do anything. I got Miori down, but that's it. I need to back up Bakugo with whatever he decides to do.

A sudden knock at the door pulled Yuna out of her thoughts and startled everyone in the room, "Hello. I gotta pizza delivery here."

Yuna let out a yelp and stumbled back a bit when All Might suddenly smashed through the wall. She nearly tripped over Leo, but the lion stopped her from falling by pushing the side of its head against her back.

The next few things happened so fast that Yuna had a hard time keeping up. Shigaraki yelled at Kurogiri to warp them out of there, but Kamiwoods came through the opening in the wall and bound everyone in wood, including Miori, who had started to stand up when the lion had moved off her to catch Yuna's fall. Then Dabi attempted to light the wood on fire, only to be stopped when Gran Torino kicked him in the face.

"You can't run anymore, League of Villains," All Might declared, his blue eyes glowing. "Because we are here!"

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