32. it'll be okay.

308 13 15


You open your eyes.

For some reason when you should've taken the chance to kill Yachi do didn't, as if something mentally blocked you from going through with it. Maybe it's because of their manipulation.

Maybe you do deserve to be here.


Making all the wrong choices and starting over until you make the rights ones. The ones I want you to make. Because that's how a story works. Obviously!

"What?", you whimper. That wasn't your thought. That was not you.

"It's me, it's me!"

You didn't even notice Atsumu was untying you. In all honesty you thought he was fake. After going through much pain and... w̶h̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶e̶s̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶?̶ ̶  You needed something to keep you going. Something to keep you from biting your own tongue and choking to death on your own blood.

Somehow you didn't realize what a good idea that would've been.

I argue that it's because that would be quite the boring and frankly sloppy ending to such a... desired storyline. I mean the main character kills themself?? Who would want to continue reading that?

"What the fuck?", you cry.

Atsumu hugs you, the both of you falling to your knees. "I know, I know. I'm here."

You grasp onto him, "H-how?"

Atsumu smiles, "I convinced them, for a better way."

"You found it?"

Somehow, you felt your world was like sand falling through your fingers.


You flinched violently, and Atsumu jumped in surprised.

"Whoa! Y/N?? Are you okay?"

You were so not okay. But you nodded, "Did you hear that?" You whipped your head around.

Atsumu furrowed his eyebrows, "Are... you...?"


You push him away, "Stop it!"

Atsumu looks at him helplessly, "What is going on! I'm here to save you!"

"You don't here that fucking banging sound? Like explosions?"

Atsumu shakes his head, "No you're... I think it's because of your blood loss, you must be hearing things."

"No, it's not," You swear.

But oh no we can't have that! You do believe him. Of course, it's all in your head. You've lost pints and pints of blood. Why wouldn't you be hallucinating? Right?

"Right," you mutter.


Suddenly, right before your eyes, the rooms change. And you are in an infirmary bed.

You know this even though your eyes are closed. How do you know this? 

Well because I'm telling you silly! Anyway, let's get back on track.

You open your eyes. 

A hand is holding yours.


→ P r o j e c t  S l a y e r       → haikyuu various x reader ; apocalypse AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz