22. strawberry cake and strangeness

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"Yeah, don't cause trouble in general, and I'm givin' you a month. If you don't find someplace else then I'll throw ya out."

Y/N nods, "And your name...?"He scoffs."We ain't that friendly, girlie."'Wow. What. A. Brat.'

Why does the 'right' thing have to result in the wronging of another? Kuroo has solutions, answers, but he has more questions. More "why's?" undisclosed, more "how's?" unknown, more "which one is correct's" undecided.

Day 3:

Hello, I found this notebook under the bed that the brat gave me. I asked about it and he said I could 'do whatever the hell' I wanted. 

So I am. I don't know what possessed me to want to do something as shitty and sappy as this but... oh well I'm bored.

It's the end of the third day of me staying here, and it's... pleasant enough I suppose. Well, except for the annoying shithead, but for now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. For now.

He woke me up early to feed chickens (I found out about those today. They are loud as hell, but kind of cute I guess?), and then taught me how to carefully pick their eggs. 

He made breakfast, oatmeal, and strawberries, he made fun of me picking out the strawberries and eating them first like a child. That wasn't nice. (Whatever.)

Then we resided on our own, I went outside to train.

Finally, it was dinner and he taught me how to make onigiri. He laughed at me for making ugly ones so I threw rice at him. 

He wasn't happy and made me clean it up.

What a grumpy douche.

― y/n

Day 4:

I asked about the picture on the shelf with the two boys smiling at dinner and he got upset. I apologized and then he left the table. I wonder who they are.

― y/n

Day 5:

This morning we went to a nearby pond, there were frogs and beautiful flowers and also koi fish. He told me it's his favorite spot, and then I chuckled because it's the nicest thing he's said to me yet, and it wasn't even to me.

He scoffed and went back to pretending to be a hardass.

He also watched me train today, I called him a pervert for staring (I was joking... kind of). He brushed it off and said he was just surprised by my strength.

(I think he's just jealous of my abs.)

― y/n

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